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Communities of Polish and Romanian Cities Provided More Than 700 kg of Humanitarian Aid

Associate Professor Taras Kadobnyi brought to the Volunteer Centre of TNMU more than 700 kg of humanitarian aid from caring communities of different Polish cities. They organized medicines, hygiene products, bulletproof vests, tactical gloves, socks, baby and adult food for the needs of the temporarily displaced and defenders.

Taras expressed gratitude to his friends in Poland, who responded to his request for help: i.e. Mazec family from the city of Busko-Zdroj, who organized business representatives and other people into a powerful volunteer group as well as Waldek Krynski from Sulejówak, the community of Gdańsk, Elbląg and Lebork.

Taras Hrynivskyi, Associate Professor of Chernivtsi National University, donated a large number of new clothes for children and adults to the TNMU Volunteer Centre. This university cooperates with the Romanian consulate and thanks to this cooperation we managed to get significant assistance from Romanian citizens.

Marta Struk, Ivan Klimash, Ilya Sorokovsky, Sofia Ksyonzyk, Anastasia Nadkevich, Nazar Shaptala, the students of TNMU, the members of the Misericordia university movement, are involved in the volunteer work during the war. They help to deliver, sort clothes, medicines, food and hygiene products to the disadvantaged and to the areas of hostilities.

Special thanks to Diana Sydorchuk, a student at the Faculty of Dentistry in Lebork, Poland, who coordinates humanitarian aid for our university and the country. Diana provided first aid to foreign and refugee students on February 26-27 at the Shehyni border crossing

Yanina Chaikivska, TNMU Press Secretary

Photos by Mykola Vasylechko