TNMU Associate Professors Participated in Scientific and Applied Seminar “Methods of Global Health Research”
On March 26 – 30, 2023, the University of Georgia in Tbilisi (Georgia) hosted the scientific and applied seminar “Methods of Global Health Research”. The seminar was organized within the framework of the “Building Academic Capacity in Global Health in the Eastern Europe-Central Asia Region (BACE)” project, which is implemented as part of the Erasmus+ KA2 program CBHE. TNMU is the partner of this program.
Associate professors of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare Management of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University Liudmyla Truschenkova and Yurii Petrashyk, who are among the TNMU participants of the above-mentioned BACE project, took part in the scientific and applied seminar.
This seminar was an intermediate stage of large-scale cooperation between nine universities from five countries (Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Norway and Germany) with the aim of building academic potential in the field of global health and developing the curriculum “Research methods in the field of global health” for masters, PhD students, intern doctors.
During the workshop aimed at building the potential of teachers regarding pedagogical and methodological approaches, the participants listened to lectures and presentations by colleagues from the Department of Community Medicine of the Arctic University of Norway: Professor Tormod Brenn, Associate Professor Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander and Associate Professor Erik Eik Anda on the following topics: “ANOVA”, “Causal relationships and their establishment”, “Identification and consideration of confounding variables”, ” Validity and bias”, “Correlation, simple linear regression”, “Multiple linear regression”, “Regression models, logistic regression”, “Cross-sectional studies, longitudinal studies, case-cohort studies”, “Systematic reviews”, “Survival analysis” , “Outbreak Research/Clinical Epidemiology II” and others. After each lecture, there were exercises for practical application of the studied material.
Professor Tormod Brenn gives a lecture on “Survival Analysis”.
During the group discussions, the seminar participants discussed the features and methods of student evaluation in the presented educational institutions, as well as how students evaluate the quality of teaching subjects and how, based on this evaluation, the institutions improve the educational process. After the seminar, plans and tasks for the next meeting of all project participants scheduled for May 2023 were formulated and pre-discussed.
Associate Professor Erik Eik Anda delivers a lecture on Outbreak Research/Clinical Epidemiology II.
The previous scientific and applied seminar within the framework of the BACE project was held on November 21-25, 2022 at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in Tbilisi (Georgia). Associate professors of Ternopil National Medical University also took part in it. During its implementation, the lectures “Descriptive epidemiology (prevalence, incidence, mortality, lethality)”, “Statistics R 1: Download, introduction, basics”, “Statistics 1: Type of variable, descriptive indicators”, “Statistics 2: Normal distribution”, “Statistics 3: Confidence interval”, “Statistics 4: t-test, hypothesis testing”, “Descriptive epidemiology: standardization of incidence indicators”, etc.