TNMU is One of the Top Medical Universities According to “Top-200 Ukraine”
The Centre for International Projects “Euroosvita” (, in partnership with the international group of experts IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence (, presented a new fifteenth academic rating of universities of Ukraine “Top-200 Ukraine 2021”.
This year, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University is the 2nd among medical and pharmaceutical universities of our country and the 24th among 200 institutions of higher education in Ukraine. Compare to the last year results, the position of TNMU has increased among all universities as well as among medical ones in particular. In 2019, Ternopil Medical University is the 4th among medical institutions of higher education and the 34th among 200 Ukrainian universities. In 2014 it was the 14th among medical universities and 113th among all institutions of higher education of Ukraine.
When the ranking was compiled, the experts took into account current trends in the development of higher education in Ukraine and the world, which is changing greatly, including as a result of the impact of the COVID-2019 pandemic. The proceedings of the IREG 2020 International Conference (Beijing Conference: “University rankings in the time of uncertainty”, October 20-21, 2020) and the Berlin Principles approved by the participants of the second IREG meeting (Berlin, Germany, May 18-20, 2006) were taken into account.
The main indicators for evaluation of university affairs are the results of other ratings, academic mobility programs, student participation in national competitions, i.e QS World University Rankings, Scopus, Webometrics, participation in Erasmus + programmes of the European Union, Nature Index, UniRank, results of National Student Olympiads 2018/2019 and competitions of research theses 2019/2020 (by the total sum of points), awards of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists, number of patents received by of university scientists in 2020, average value for ratings of institutions of higher education by a number of applications submitted by entrants and average competitive score in 2020.
- Main principles for the ratings of Ukrainian universities:
- a) Ensuring openness, transparency, objectivity and independence of university rankings. For this purpose, only open data of direct evaluation posted on the web resources of independent national and international organizations and institutions were used. The method of calculation of university ratings is available to the public in order to verify the results.
- b) Taking into account the comprehensiveness and diversity of university affairs. Thus, their work was evaluated by a broader indicators compare to the established rating systems.
- c) Priority of European integration processes. Taking into account the importance of European integration of higher education in Ukraine, the values of international indicators for universities (results in world rankings, participation of universities in Erasmus + programs of the European Union, etc.) are more important than the values of national indicators.
- Methods for rating of universities of Ukraine
This year’s rating of Ukrainian universities is based on the amount of indicators for their affairs according to the following methodology:
- a) External independent organizations determined the ratings of N universities on the indicator (nomination) K (K = 1,…, 10). If a university was not rated for any of the nominations, its conditional place in the ranking for this nomination was considered as N+1.
- b) Using the Delphi method, the experts of the project “Top-200 Ukraine” determined the values of individual nominations (W1, W2,… W10). The sum of these values is 1.
- c) For each university, the average value of the University Index by group of nominations was calculated.
- d) The subsequent ranking of the university by group of nominations was determined as the inverse of the University Index (