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TSMU scholar trained at the Iovel Kutateladze Institute of Pharmacochemistry in Georgia

In September 2017 associate professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology Oksana Shevchuk interned at Iovel Kutateladze Institute of Pharmacochemistry (Director professor Nana Gorgaslidze) and Tbilisi State Medical University Department of Pharmacology (Head of the Department professor Nikoloz Gongadze). The training was made possible through cooperation agreement between the Georgian medical school and Ternopil State Medical University.


Professor Nana Gorgaslidze.

Professor Nikoloz Gongadze.

The Iovel Kutateladze Institute of Pharmacochemistry was founded in 1932. From its inception and until 1963, Iovel Kutateladze, a well-known scholar, founder of pharmaceutical education and pharmacochemical research in Georgia, was the head of this scientific institution. Today, its main directions of activity are the studies of biologically active compounds of plant and mineral origin, studies of their chemical properties and pharmacological activity, development of technologies and methods of analysis and development of new drugs and medicinal forms. The Institute’s research achievements led to the establishing of Tbilisi Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant and Batumi Caffeine Plant.

Employees of the Institute study medicinal plants of Georgia; since 1934 they have been amassing, supporting and restoring its rich herbarium collection. In addition, the Institute cultivates medicinal plants in different geographical areas of the country.

Today in the scientific institution works on 12 large research projects, and includes laboratories concentrating on the following directions: steroids and cardiac glycosides; medicinal enzymes; phenolic compounds; terpene compounds; plant biopolymers; alkaloids; lipids and anthraquinones; pharmaceutical technology; pharmaceutical analysis; chemical modification of natural compounds; pharmacological botany; and preclinical research. It has its own product line of medicines.

These original and patented medicines and supplements include a plant-derived complex of proteolytic enzymes Karyapazim, anti-ulcer drug Flaronin, anti-herpetic ointment Rodopes; bioactive supplements: Salbine, Saturn (hypoglycemic remedy), Ginkgo-bat, Kausuron (bronchospasmolytic), Fatsiflogin (anti-inflammatory drug) and others. Currently, a number of medications undergo clinical studies, including Psantrone-C for the treatment of psoriasis and  Digipulol, an aerosol for the prevention and treatment of influenza. Using medicinal plants of Georgia, institute staff created emulsion and suspension type ointments, and dry ointment concentrates for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

The institute operates a museum of its history and achievements.


Director of the institute Nana Gorgaslidze presented Dr. Shevchuk with Iovel Kutateladze commemorative medal.

During the internship Dr. Shevchuk learned about the work of Institute’s laboratories and its production cycle,  from developing a  drug, to its preclinical and clinical studies and, finally, manufacturing.

Traning at Tbilisi State Medical University Department of Pharmacology, Dr. Oksana Shevchuk studied organization of the educational process, approaches to selection qualified research and teaching staff, and the work of Department Chair professor N. Gongadze on the registration of medicinal products in Georgia and organization of pharmacological vigilance in the country.

During her visit Dr. Oksana Shevchuk, along with representatives of Ukraine, Germany, Austria and the United States, took part in the new academic year ceremonies at Tbilisi State Medical University and White Coat Ceremony for the American MD Program, which is being implemented in TSMU in collaboration with Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, USA.

On September 18-19, 2017, Dr. Shevchuk participated in a conference dedicated to Georgian-German medical cooperation. Participating in the forum were professors from Germany and Austria Prof. DI Dr. Peter Lukas, Univ.-Prof. Dr. med Wolfgang Buchberger, M.Sc., Mr. Eemil Hensler, Mr. Erhard Mitsche, OÄ Dr. med Irma Kvitsaridze and Dr.h.c.George Grigolia, Prof. Dr. med Thomas Eichhorn, Bühling, Prof. Dr. med., dr. h.c. Helmut Hahn, Dr. Marlies Höck, Dr. Peter Stoll, Prof. Dr. Norbert Wagner, and Dr. Jochen Alius. Finally, during her internship, Dr. Shevchuk also had the opportunity to work with Professor Michael Lentze at the TSMU Hospital No. 1.

Professor Michael Lentze.

Dr. Shevchuk wishes to the organizers of the internship:  Director of the Iovel Kutateladze Institute of Pharmacochemistry, Professor Nana Gorgaslidze and Head of Tbilisi State Medical University Department of Medical Pharmacology, Professor Nikoloz Gongadze, as well as Ternopil State university administration for this professional developement opportunity.