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Representatives of TSMU interned at nursing school of Saskatchewan Polytechnic (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada)

From 6 May to 6 June 2016 TSMU Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nataliya Petrenko and first year nursing students Victoriya Pavliuk and Uliana Pyzhyk participated in international exchange program at the nursing school of Saskatchewan Polytechnic, in Saskatun, Saskatchewan, Canada.


Saskatchewan Polytechnic


 Victoriya Pavliuk and Uliana Pyzhyk

 The intense program gave them the opportunity to learn about health care management system in Saskatchewan, academic activities in the nursing school of Saskatchewan Polytechnic, and work of medical and social institutions. It included taking classes on different subjects, work in the simulation center, meeting with teachers, and visits to medical institutions.

Dean of the nursing school, Dr. Netha Dyck familiarized the visitors with nursing programs, features of the academic program, and discussed possibilities of further cooperation.


The delegation of Ternopil State Medical University with Netha Dyck, Dean of Nursing at Saskatchewan Polytechnic (left to right: Victoriya Pavliuk, Uliana Pyzhyk, Netha Dyck, Nataliya Petrenko)


 The delegation of Ternopil State Medical University with Netha Dyck, Dean of Nursing and Reny Loewen, coordinator of international programs at Saskatchewan Polytechnic

The visitors were impressed with simulation centers in Saskatchewan Polytechnic and University of Saskatchewan. During a meeting with the heads of these centers Emily Garder and Debbie Briere they discussed the features of simulation centers. They had a chance to work with the manikins and had a unique opportunity to improve their practical skills in delivery, providing emergency care for postpartum bleeding and conducting cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


 Nataliya Petrenko with Debbie Briere, head of the University of Saskatchewan simulation center (Clinical Learning Resource Centre, University of Saskatchewan)


 Simulation center Room (Saskatchewan Polytechnic)


 Simulation center, a room with video monitoring (Saskatchewan Polytechnic)


Improving delivery management skills


Improving skills in stoping postpartum hemorrhage


Students work on their practical skills in cardiopulmonary resuscitation

One of the purposes of the visit was to study features of teaching community nursing, obstetrics and gynecology, and pharmacology. Public Health Clinics are widespread in Canada. During the internship there was an opportunity to work in three public health clinics, which had very different specialization. Some work with socially disadvantaged groups, others with single women with children who have problems with housing, or with people of advanced age.

For all practical lessons students worked side-by-side with Canadian students, took part in practical assessment of  factors of external and internal environment and health risk factors, in developing informational and educational measures for prevention of these risks, as well as in work of the clinic for prevention of fall injuries.


Groundbreaking ceremony of the housing for single mothers (Working at public health clinic Habitat for Humanity)


Class in public nursing

Working in public health clinic Luther Heights during dog therapy session


 Practical class on public nursing – preparing information poster for seniors (working in public health clinic Luther Heights)


Practical implementation of theoretical knowledge – working in Fall Prevention Clinic


The delegation of Ternopil State Medical University with Michel Pavloff after a pharmacology lecture


 The delegation of TSMU with Jan Lloyd-Vossen after a neurology lecture


In practical class on pharmacology


In practical class on pharmacology

They gave a presentation on organization of health care in Ukraine and specifics of teaching nurses on Bachelor’s program at Ternopil State Medical University at the request of instructors of the host institution.


Assoc. professor NV Petrenko gives presentation about Ternopil and Ternopil State Medical University at Saskatchewan Polytechnic

During the internship the visitors had an opportunity to visit hospitals in the cities of Saskatoon and Regina. As a part of practical classes they visited urological department of St. Paul’s hospital  as well as obstetrics departments at University Hospital and  Saskatchewan Hospital in Regina.


With Kristine Helt in the urological department of St. Paul’s Hospital


Examination room at the Admission Department of Biggar Hospital


Stock room at Biggar Hospital


Nurses’ Workstation at Biggar Hospital


Maternal & Newborn Care Unit, Royal University Hospital, Saskatchewan


Electronic patient registration at Regina General Hospital

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Delivery room at Regina General Hospital


Intensive care unit at Regina General Hospital

 Canada ranks one of the first places in the world for life expectancy, and this requires creating appropriate conditions for the care of the elderly. During the internship the visitors had an opportunity to visit St. Joseph’s Home for assisted living, and a Catholic home for the elderly.


A room in St. Joseph’s Home nursing facility (Ukrainian Sisters of St. Joseph, Saskatoon)


A room in the St. Joseph’s Home nursing facility (Ukrainian Sisters of St. Joseph, Saskatoon)


Lift and tub for bathing of people with disabilities at St. Joseph’s Home nursing facility (Ukrainian Sisters of St. Joseph, Saskatoon)


Stationary lifting device in the intensive supervision room at St. Joseph’s Home nursing facility (Ukrainian Sisters of St. Joseph, Saskatoon)


St. Joseph’s Home nursing facility (Ukrainian Sisters of St. Joseph, Saskatoon)


The dining room at St. Joseph’s Home nursing facility (Ukrainian Sisters of St. Joseph, Saskatoon)

During a meeting with the managers and sisters the visitors discussed many issues relating to the organization of care facilities, and the role of nurse in the care for the elderly.


Discussion of assisted living homes for the elderly (Emmanuel Care, Catholic Health Organization).

Despite the tight schedule the visitors had an opportunity to visit Saskatchewan Western Development Museum, Ukrainian Museum, glass blowing workshop, and the provincial capital – the city of Regina.


Dentist practice (Saskatchewan Western Development Museum)


Pharmacy (Saskatchewan Western Development Museum)

Ukrainian Museum of Canada aims to showcase Ukrainian culture in Saskatoon, the exhibit features textiles, tools, musical instruments and clothing.


Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Saskatoon


Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Saskatoon

Saskatchewan is called ‘Land of the Living Skies’ for a reason.




Material provided by Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nataliya Petrenko.