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School of Digitalization of Medical Education

Representatives of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, including Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Arkadii Shulhai, Head of the Educational Department Andrii Mashtalir, Associate Professor of the Department of Medical Informatics Andrii Semenets, and Leading Specialist of the Information Technology Department Ihor Kovbasiuk, participated in the first “School of Digitalization of Medical Education for Teachers and Educators.” The event took place on January 23-24 in Kyiv. The school was held within the Swiss-Ukrainian project “Medical Education Development,” in which the university participates.

The “School of Digitalization of Medical Education” served as a platform for exchanging experiences and developing new ideas and approaches in the digitalization processes of higher education institutions in Ukraine’s healthcare sector. The event aimed to integrate modern digital technologies into the educational process of higher education institutions implementing medical education programs. Information was presented on implementing electronic internship distribution and the overall state of digitalization and digital transformation in healthcare.

Participants of the School shared their experiences in:

  • Building an information ecosystem for an electronic university (Vinnytsia National Technical University),
  • Using MS Teams as an educational and managerial tool in higher education institutions (Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University),
  • Personalizing learning through digital technologies via LMS (Moodle) to meet individual student needs (TNMU),
  • Implementing the “UkraineDigiTrans” project as part of the digital transformation of higher medical education in Ukraine (Bukovyna State Medical University).

Special attention was given to key issues such as introducing soft skills for digital solutions implementation (speaker Illia Bachurin) and the basics of personal cybersecurity for participants in the educational process (speaker Trokhym Babych); digitalization and digital transformation in healthcare (speaker Vadym Terentiuk), among others.

Participants also participated in an interactive project—the world café “Challenges of Digital Transformation in Higher Education.” They presented challenges related to rapid changes in the digital paradigm on eight flipcharts. TNMU was represented in this project by Andrii Semenets.

Snizhana Rakcheieva, Press Secretary of the Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Education, Science, and Technology Development and Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov, shared her experience in building communication channels. She focused on key communication formats, their specifics, and the interpersonal relationships between government officials and journalists.

At the end of the event, the coordinator of the digitalization direction of the Swiss-Ukrainian project “Medical Education Development,” Vitalii Zaiets, provided information on the next steps in the digitalization of higher education institutions.

Participants of the “School of Digitalization of Medical Education” received certificates and took a group photo to commemorate their experience and participation in the project.