More Than 1,100 Freshmen of TSMU Started Their Studying
The ceremonial meeting of the Academic Board of Ternopil State Medical University on August 31was arranged to coincide with the matriculation ceremony for the students of the Faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, International Students’ Faculty and Institute of Nursing. That day Berezil, Les Kurbas Palace of Culture, was full of happy smiles of almost 1,100 future doctors, dentists, pharmacists and nurses. Religious clerics, the mayor Sergii Nadal, the vice-chairman of Ternopil Regional State Administration Victor Shumada congratulated the freshmen of Ternopil Medical University.
The matriculation ceremony for the TSMU students began with communal prayer and blessings of the Fathers of the Church.
At the university everything necessary is provided for studying, professional and personal development
“All the competitions, rankings, external independent testing are behind. Today you have a special occasion – you have made the first step into adulthood. You joined the students of Ternopil State Medical University, which is one of the best medical universities in Ukraine. I want to warn you that it will not be easy. A hard but exciting and interesting way is ahead. Everywhere in the world medical students study much more and heavier in comparison with students of other specialities. Medical students have always been the elite of the students. Only the most talented, capable and motivated school graduates enter medical universities.
You will cure people, but before that you need to deepen your knowledge, what we are willingly providing for you. Our university offers everything necessary for that. At the university not only intensive training but also a very interesting, intense and active student life is waiting for you. You will have an opportunity to participate in exchange programs, to study for one semester at universities in Europe, to participate in scientific life of the University, to join in international summer schools, to take part in various cultural and sports clubs.
Tremendous opportunities are opened for you. You are talented, young, intelligent and capable. This country this and nation needs you.
We are on the threshold of changes. Soon health insurance will be introduced, and of health services will meet the standards of medicine of the west. The future of healthcare, its development and improvement, will depend on you and your studying. Today you are freshmen; you were born and raised in the independent Ukrainian state. I am sure you will become a new generation of nationally conscious, highly educated and cultured professionals.
I want you to remember that you have chosen the world’s best and most noble profession. Be persistent in studying, compete, do not waste your time and you will succeed.
May God bless you! Best wishes for you!” the Rector of TSMU, Professor Mykhailo Korda congratulated the freshmen.
Many freshmen from other countries have begun studying this year. The head of university appealed to them in English. Mykhailo Korda highlighted the importance of to study hard from the very first day, to personally fulfill oneself abundantly and not to lose a minute for self-improvement. All in all over 1,500 international students from nearly 60 countries study in Ternopil State Medical University.
TSMU deans’ Congratulations
Student life embraces close communication with professors and deans of faculties. On August 31 the freshmen had an opportunity to get acquainted with those who will help, advice and support them every day.
After congratulation speeches and sincere wishes the students took the oath read out by Associate Professor Hryhorii Zahrychuk. And of course the hymn “Gaudeamus” performance!
Press Service of Ternopil State Medical University