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An Interactive Video Lecture “Human Rights and Peace” Was Held in TSMU

On September 21 the interactive video lecture “Human rights and peace” was held by the Department of Medical Law and the NGO Informational and Juristic Centre “Human Rights” to develop a successful rising health care professional. The event was dedicated to the International Day of Peace.

The coordinators of the event, the head of the Department of Medical Law N. Kalyniuk highlighted the assertion of human rights and freedoms, complete ensuring and protection of them. Today they define the legal system, and particularly health care system, functioning. The Chairman of the NGO Informational and Juristic Centre “Human Rights” O. Hrynkiv emphasized the matter of the human rights essence.

The freshmen of the Faculty of Medicine and the staff of the Department of Medical Law took part in the event. An interactive environment with innovation technologies provided a friendly collaborative atmosphere.

Information was privided by the Department of Medical Law