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Library Day celebration at Ternopil State Medical University

Ukrainian Day of Libraries is traditionally being observed on the last day of September. This year, to celebrate it, the library of Ternopil State Medical University held Open Door Days, during which University instructors and students had an opportunity to attend a number of literary  events. On 30 September  the reading room of the TSMU library hosted the ultimate celebratory event. University administration, faculty members, trade union organization of the University,  colleagues,friends and  visiting officials came to congratulate library staff on the occasion of their professional holiday.

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Olena Protsiv, the Head of the Library in her opening remarks said that Ukrainian Day of libraries was introduced 18 years ago, and now serves as an evidence of deep respect Ukrainians have for academic, cultural and spiritual heritage of humanity, intellectual and cultural values of the Ukrainian nation and recognition of the special libraries mission have in society.


Regional deputy Lubomir Krupa addressed the audience on behalf of Ternopil Regional Council and the deputies, saying that “the library of Ternopil State Medical University is truly a modern temple of science, where support of the university administration created welcoming environment for students to work with books and focus work on gaining knowledge. Books are a foundation of all. They preserve our history, information about the person and cultures. So on the day of the professional holiday of librarians I would like to wish everyone continued success and inspiration in their work. ”


Ternopil State Medical University Rector, Professor Mykhaylo Korda greeted everyone on the occasion of the holiday. He thanked the librarians for their work on behalf of the administration and academic council of Ternopil State Medical University. Dr. Korda listed achievements of the library: it now has a new reading room, while the Irbis inter-library database fully integrates TSMU library with other medical libraries; 53,000 books can now be accessed through the library website and the digitization work still continues. The Rector emphasized that a library  is not just a book depository, it is a modern scientific, informational, cultural and educational center with reading rooms, clubs, cultural and creative. “It’s nice to see that TSMU library meets all of these requirements “, – said Dr. Korda. He also said that the university will continue to support library staff in their work and contribute to further development of library facilities.


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Vice-Rector for Science, Professor Ivan Klishch addressed all present with warm wishes of rewarding work and new achievements.


Dean of the Deoartment of International Students Petro Selskyi shared that the services of University library are being used by the young people coming from other countries to receive higher medical education. State Medical University library holds leading positions in terms of training and supplying students with both paper and electronic textbooks.


“After completion of the second floor and overall renovation the library looks refreshed. Students tell me that they really like studying here. I also receive lots of positive feedback about cultural events organized here by the library staff, “- said the head of the educational work and cultural development, associate professor Olha Yaremchuk.


Head of the University trade union Associate Professor Petro Lyhatskyi also congratulated library staff on the occasion of their professional holiday, and presented certificates of recognition to a group of librarians.


Special thanks were said to those staff members who are now retired, after serving on the library position for their entire life. In particular, a former librarian Maria Hurba celebrated her 90th birthday in September. Head of the University trade union Petro Lyhatskyi spoke about the recognition of Maria Hruba’s work by TSMU administration.


All present were treated to a concert featuring live performances by students of Ternopil Regional State Music School, winners of nationwide competitions. The young performers presented the best possible gift  to the librarians on their holiday ;  MC Alina Chornii was joined by Bohdan Koval (accordion), Vitaliy Hormusiak (bandura), Volodymyir Paratsii (guitar), Stepan Buranych (accordion), Maria Korczak (singing and playing the bandura).


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We would like to once more congratulate our librarians on the occasion of their professional holiday and wish them wellbeing, lots of readers and stacks of new books!