TNMU students had summer practical training at Wroclaw Medical University
According to the Agreement on Academic Mobility between I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University and Wroclaw Medical University, TNMU students have a unique opportunity to undergo practical training at the Wroclaw clinics.
This year, for a month, fourth-year students Bandrivska Yuliia, Boliukh Oksana, Bondarchuk Yana, Buratynskyi Vadym, Hrynyk Ruslan, Mazur Liza, Pankiv Ilona, Savchuk Nazar, Shvets Teresa and fifth-year students Bohun Anatolii, Hryhorchuk Olena, Kachura Roman, Pavliuk Romanna, Tsebryk Sviatoslav had a medical practical training in clinical departments of Wroclaw Medical University.
The group was supervised by Taras Bidovanets, a postgraduate student of the Department of Internal Medicine №2.
The permanent coordinator of cooperation between our university and Wroclaw Medical University is Honorary Professor of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University Wojciech Barg.
For four weeks, students were able to work in the departments of dermotovenerology, surgical gynecology, cardiology and cardiac surgery, anesthesiology and intensive care, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, neonatology, maxillofacial surgery, orthopedics and traumatology.
On the first day, students were introduced to the work of the Department of Dermatovenereology and Allergology. Dr hab. Wojciech Baran eagerly told the story of the founding of the Clinic. An interesting fact is that the premises where this department is located were built in the pre-war period, and the medical library has many books from that time. Subsequently, students were able to spend time in the outpatient clinic, interact with patients and visit surgery performed by lek Iwona Chlebicka.
The students gained valuable experience during their practical training in the ophthalmology department. Under the guidance of doctor Dr n. med. Hanna Zając-Pytrus students were present in cataract surgery, phacoemulsification, trabeculectomy. In addition to surgery, the students Tereza Shwets and Boliukh Oksana practiced ultrasound examination of the eye, biomicroscopy.
“I will always remember this practice in Wroclaw. It has been an extremely rewarding experience for me and my colleagues, which will play a significant role in the future of my profession. We were at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, where Dr. Tomasz Fuchs treated us with respect and understanding. We assisted at a caesarean section, visited natural births, learned how to use different types of colposcopes, including a mobile one. They were present at many laparotomies and hysteroscopies, ” said 4th year student Bondarchuk Yana.
“During our practical training in the vascular, general and transplant surgery department, we were able not only to attend various surgical interventions (carotid artery endectomy, partial liver resection for abscess, liver cystectomy, and liver transplant) surgeries, including kidney transplantation, femoral and popliteal bypass, endarterectomy of femoral and popliteal arteries,” Bohun Yurii shared his impressions.
In the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics, students Kachura Roman and Savchuk Nazar, under the supervision of Alexander Shavlovsky, actively participated in hip replacement, observed extramedullary metalosteosynthesis of the humerus and bones of the forearm. They were also present at the diagnostic arthroscopy of the knee and examined the patients at the trauma center.
Under the supervision of Dr. n. med. Krzysztof Kaliszewski a number of our students had the opportunity to assist in such operations as extrafascular thyroidectomy, parathyroidectomy, resection of the colon with excretion of the terminal ileostomy, cholecystostomy. And also they attended such surgical interventions as obstructive resection of the rectum with the imposition of sigmo-rectal stapler anastomosis, laparoscopic adrenalectomy, polypectomy, excision of the anal fissure.
It was an unforgettable and important experience that will help determine what kind of medicine future doctors want to work in.
Along with the improvement of professional skills, students had the opportunity to enrich themselves spiritually and visit museums, monuments of spiritual heritage and other sights of Wroclaw, as well as other European cities – Krakow, Dresden, Berlin, Adrspach and Prague.
The students express their gratitude Dr. n. med. Wojciech Barg, University Administration and Practical Training Department, to all the doctors (mgr. Mariusz Koral, lek Iwona Chlebicka, Dr hab. Wojciech Baran, Prof. Nadzw., Prof. Dr. hab. Dariusz Patrzałek and lek. Agnieszka Lepiesz, Dr n. Med. Wojciech Homola and Dr. hab Tomasz Fuchs, MD Hanna Zając-Pytrus, MD Anna Kupiec, Dorota Paluszyńska, and Weronika Wesołowska, Krzysztof Kaliszewski, MD, for the opportunity of professional development, for their invaluable experience gained.
The information was provided by Yuliia Bandrivska.