TNMU professors took part in the 7th International Scientific and Educational Conference “Neonatus 2019”
The 7th International Scientific and Educational Conference “Neonatus 2019” was held in Warsaw (Republic of Poland) on October 10-11, 2019. The event was devoted to the important multidisciplinary approaches of practical neonatology with the emphasis on the introduction of modern methods of diagnosis, treatment, care of prematurely born children with high level of evidence.
At the invitation of Prof. Jan Mazela and Prof. Ewa Helwich, organizers of the Neonatus 2019 Conference, Ternopil region was represented by neonatologists from I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University and Ternopil Department of the Association of Neonatologists of Ukraine.
Ternopil delegation “Neonatus 2019” neonatologists Klishch O. V., Topchii H. V., Sarakhman N. Ye., Ph.D. Sarapuk I. M., Professors Pavlyshyn H. A., Ladyka N. O., Pasiaka N. V.
At the 7th International Conference “Neonatus 2019”, the scientists of Ternopil National Medical University presented the results of the departmental scientific work «Developmental care and short-term outcomes in preterm infants».
Prof. H. A. Pavlyshyn presents the report “Developmental care and short-term outcomes in preterm infants”.
The conference agenda included a meeting with leading experts from America and Europe: Prof. Richard Polin (USA), Prof. Angelika Berger (Austria), Prof. Alan Lucas (USA), Prof. William Fox (USA), Prof. Yogen Singh (UK), Dr. Sinno Simons (Netherlands). The scholars discussed the peculiarities of early diagnosis, prevention of infectious pathology in newborns, current methods of use of surfactant therapy in premature infants, new approaches to the treatment of neonatal lung disease, primary pulmonary hypertension in infants with diaphragm hernia.
Professor Angelika Berger (Austria) presented the modern management of antibiotic therapy in neonatal intensive care units. Today, antibiotics are long-term and widely used in intensive care units for the newborns, which not only increases the risk of antibiotic resistance, but also increases the individual risk of negative long-term consequences, such as the development of candidiasis in extremely preterm infants, necrotic enterocolitis, bronchial asthma, bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
Prof. H. A. Pavlyshyn, prof. Angelika Berger, Ph.D. Sarapuk I. M.
Professor Richard Polin (USA) emphasized the risk of hospital infections in neonatology with up to 100,000 deaths annually and high costs of treatment (USD 6.5 billion). Nosocomial infections are associated with adverse neurodevelopmental consequences. The major causative agents of catheter-associated infections are Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus-coagulase negative, Gram negative enterics, fungi. The issues of early diagnosis of catheter-associated, nosocomial infections and measures for their prevention were discussed.
An interesting question was posed by Professor Richard Polin (USA) “How can bronchopulmonary dysplasia be prevented?” Measures aimed at dysplasia risk reduction include avoidance of mechanical ventilation, early use of caffeine (from the delivery room), “gentle” resuscitation measures. As for sustained inflation, it has been proven today that it can cause lung damage and does not protect the lungs from subsequent ventilation.
Professor Alan Lucas (UK) draw the neonatologists’ attention on safe feeding of premature babies. The results of modern meta-analyzes show a higher incidence of necrotic enterocolitis, sepsis, retinopathy, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, chronic lung disease, mortality in premature infants fed with formula (cow’s milk). Long-term consequences of artificial feeding include osteoporosis, frequent fractures of tubular bones, cardio-vascular disorders in adulthood, delayed cognitive development, decreased IQ. In the United States, more than 300 ICUs use infant formula (donor) to provide premature infants (over 40,000 infants), especially those who are extremely prematurely, with breast milk.
The conference presented modern clinical recommendations on the use of surfactant and ventilation support in newborns (New guideline 2019), the latest methods of treatment of pulmonary hypertension in infants with diaphragm hernia, lung disease. Dr. Judit Llevadias (England) reported on the peculiarities of using ECMO in neonatology, with a number of possible adverse effects and complications, emphasized the attention of neonatologists to the correct choice of medicines – inotropes, vasopressors.
Participation in the 7th International Scientific Conference “Neonatus 2019” provides an opportunity to improve the qualification and professional level in the field of neonatology, and to share experience in the care of prematurely born babies in Ukraine. At the same time, establishing and expanding personal contacts at the International Neonatology Conference will facilitate the development of international cooperation, creative communication and integration of the University into the global scientific space. Professor Jan Mazela, organizer of the 7th International Conference “Neonatus 2019” is open for future cooperation and invites the participants to the Conference next year in Poznan (Poland).
Prof. Jan Mazela, Prof. Pavlyshyn H.A., PhD Sarapuk I. M.
The participants express their sincere gratitude to the administration of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University and the organizers of the conference Prof. Jan Mazela, Prof. Ewa Helwich for the opportunity to participate in this Conference and present the results of their research at the international level.