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TNMU professors participated in the Workshop on “Rethinking and Improving the Educational Process for the Sustainable Development of the Baltic University Program Members”

On October 8-11, 2019, the representatives of the I.Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, the Head of the Department of Medical Biology Larysa Fedoniuk and Head of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare Management Anna Saturnska visited Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, where they participated in the final seminar in the framework of the educational project “Rethinking and improving the educational process with a view to sustainable development of the Baltic University Member States tion Program” organized by the coordinators of the Baltic University Program Uppsala University (Sweden). 47 teachers from educational institutions in Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Russia and three universities in Ukraine participated in this seminar.

The EduBUP project is primarily aimed at improving the quality of education at different levels and exploring the basics of Sustainable Development in all fields of knowledge, as well as cooperation between the participating universities of the Baltic University since 2016.

Within the framework of realization of the above mentioned educational project, TNMU introduced one of the first among medical universities of Ukraine to introduce a discipline focused on the principles of Sustainable Development for students of the medical faculty, namely Masters in the specialty “Public Health”.

During the three days of the seminar, during sectional meetings and workshops, more than 20 speeches were presented by representatives of different higher education institutions from the Baltic region, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, where the issues of exchange of experience and cooperation in the framework of educational programs for the development of educational programs were vividly discussed. 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Alexandr Karevskyi, Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Ecology, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno opened the Meeting.

The dean of the Biology and Ecology Department of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Alexander Karevski opened the event and wished all participants fruitful and active work.

Speaker from Sumy State University (Ukraine) Nadiia Kostiuchenko (Associate Professor of International Economics) in her report identified the relevance of the seminar and spoke about opportunities for project participants and fruitful cooperation between higher education institutions within the Baltic University program, which focuses on development, environment and democracy in the Baltic Sea region, which can be achieved through the development of university courses, support for interdiscipline research cooperation and participation in transdisciplinary projects in cooperation with authorities, municipalities and others.

The purpose and objectives of the workshop were presented in the report by Dr. Shepherd Urenje  (Uppsala University, Sweden), which was dedicated to opening up the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals to 2030 and long-term to educational institutions.

Report by Shepherd Urenje  (Uppsala University, Sweden).

Subsequently, the workshop was held in the format of sectional meetings, at which participants presented their educational projects in the field of application of interactive methods and new practices in teaching the Sustainable Development and their implementation in the curricula of different disciplines at their universities. Participants actively took part in group discussion of projects developed and implemented in educational institutions of Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.

Participants of the workshop during seminars, group discussions.

TNMU Professors Larysa Fedoniuk and Anna Saturska made a report on the implementation of an educational project at I.Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, whose teachers are actively involved in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Purposes by developing educational and methodological materials for teaching Masters in Public Health, and in particular on achieving the global goal of “Good health and well-being”, speak at symposiums and conferences, published articles and abstracts on topics related to sustainable development in national and international journals.

Professor Larysa Fedoniuk and Professor Anna Saturska during the presentation of the educational project.

Participation in the Project “Rethinking and Improving the Educational Process for the Sustainable Development of the Baltic University Program Members” gave an opportunity to increase the professional level of the participants and to share the experience of teaching the basics and principles of sustainable development to the masters of public health, which is especially important for future physicians and specialists public health. In the framework of this visit, cooperation was established between the coordinators of the Baltic University Program and teachers-representatives of higher education institutions of Estonia, Lithuania, Sweden, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland aimed at supporting the implementation of the principles of Sustainable Development in universities providing educational services with modern approaches to solving problems of today, where teachers are introducing a study of the principles and principles of Sustainable Development.

Participants of the Project “Rethinking and improving the educational process with a view to sustainable development of the Baltic University Program members”.

The Project participants express their sincere gratitude to the administration of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University and the organizers of the Project and workshop for the opportunity to take part in this important event for the development of a healthy society and to present the results of transformation of educational activities in the framework of sustainable development at the international level.