TNMU Associate Professor participated in an International Hypertension Guidelines Implementation Workshop
On January 20-21, 2020, the headquarters of the European Society of Cardiologists hosted a workshop on the implementation of guidelines on the management of hypertension. The event took place in the Heart House, located in Sophia Antipolis, a technology park northwest of Antibes and southwest of Nice (France) in the Valbonne commune and was organized by the European Association of Cardiologists andthe ESC Council on Hypertension. Associate Professor of TNMU Department of Internal Medicine Sophia Husak took part in this event.
The workshop was part of an educational program and brought together over 60 participants, cardiologists, scientists and specialists in other fields of medicine, nephrologists, endocrinologists, therapists from 30 countries.
The program of the first day of the workshop was very intensive and included plenary lectures, panel discussions, presentation of guidelines for the treatment of hypertension (2018 ESC / ESH guidelines on the management of arterial hypertension).
The workshop was opened by Professor Giovanni de Simone of Italy, the chairman of the European Council on Hypertension and the chief research fellow at the Center for Hypertension Studies at Federico II University of Naples.
With prof. Giovanni de Simone.
The plenary session was chaired by Professor Brian Williams, Director of the National Institute for Biomedical Research, University of London (NIHR), the head of a team of scientists who worked on the recommendations mentioned above.
Prof. Bryan Williams.
At the end of the second plenary session, a heated debate on the management of hypertension was presented. The same statement was presented from opposing points of view (pro et contra) by 2 scholars from different countries and all participants were given the opportunity to support one or another opinion through open voting. This provoked a lively discussion between the participants of the event.
The dinner gave an opportunity to communicate with cardiologists and scientists from around the world who shared their experience of treating hypertension, both positive and negative, the difficulties and obstacles in treating patients with hypertension.
The second day of the workshop began with a workshop by Professor Antonio Coca, the first chairman of the European Council for Hypertension, Professor Emeritus of the University of Barcelona (Spain), the editor of over 58 books on hypertension, which was devoted to the issues of high blood pressure diagnosis starting from physical MRI of the head. The participants were initially divided into two, and subsequently into three working groups, thanks to such organization of work, each participant had the opportunity to express their points of view and ask questions to the leading world experts in hypertension.
With Professor Antonio Coca (Spain).
At the end of the workshop, three extremely interesting, but at the same time different but rather urgent clinical cases with detailed analysis and step-by-step management of patients with hypertension were presented.
Participation in the international workshop provided an opportunity to gain new knowledge, experience, establish contacts with leading European specialists in the field of cardiology, in particular on issues related to hypertension. It will help to introduce new approaches to the treatment of hypertension in accordance with international European guidelines into the teaching process for TNMU 5th and 6th year students in the field of “Cardiology”.
The participant would like to express her appreciation to TNMU administration for the opportunity to participate in this event.