TNMU is the Winner of the “People’s Brand” in the Nomination “Institutions of Higher Education”
The best companies, enterprises and organizations in Ternopil this year had the opportunity to verify their leadership. From October 1 till November 30, 2020 the voting for the “People’s Brand” took place. RIA Media has been the organizer of the contest for many years. This year, 2,979 companies took part in it.
Ternopil National Medical University won in the nomination “Institutions Higher Education”. 3134 people voted for TNMU, which is a thousand votes more than the university, which was the second.
The People’s Brand contest took place for the sixteenth time in Ternopil. Each time the organizers improve the voting system and expand the range of categories for companies to participate in the competition. This project has already become significant for the city, because only those companies that have really gained the trust of users can win.
Congratulations to the staff of Ternopil National Medical University on this victory. We appreciate the support of those who voted for our university. Your trust adds confidence for further progress, inspires for new successes and victories!