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Honouring the Memory of Ukrainians Who Laid Down Their Lives for the Independence of Ukraine

The establishment of a memorial plaque “Countryman who laid down their lives for the independence of Ukraine in the fight against totalitarianism” in the village of Velyki Dederkaly, Kremenets district, was initiated by the NGO National Heritage Research Institute “Terpoliany” at Ternopil National Medical University supported by the university administration, as well as assisted by Ihor Kachmarskyi and Sviatoslav Lebontov.

Leonid Kravchuk, the Head of the Institute of National Heritage Research of Ukraine “Terpolyany”, opened the historic event.

V.Ya. Kudlak, the Head of the Kremenets District State Administration, and Panasyuk Yu.V., the Head of the Velykodederkal community, joined the commemoration of the event.

Volodymyr Moseiko, General-Cornet of the Ukrainian Cossacks, welcomed the participants.

TNMU students who also joined the event were Marta Struk, the 3rd year student, and Alemonai Jerry Nii Nai Nii Nai, the 2nd year student, a representative of the International Students Faculty.

The academic chamber choir “Brevis” also joined the cultural and art event. They sang the songs “Poviiav viter stepovyi (The steppe wind blew)”, “Oi na hori tai zhentsi zhnut (Oh, on the mountain and the reapers are reaping)”, and the UPA anthem “Zrodylys my velykoi hodyny We were born at a great hour)”.

Information by Marta Struk