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TNMU Assistant Professor Participated in EASL NAFLD Summit 2022

On September 15-17, 2022, Assistant Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology № 2 Lina Bahnii took part in the international summit of the European Association for Liver Research: Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease “EASL NAFLD 2022”, which took place in Dublin (Ireland).

Assistant Professor Lina Bahnii, a member of the EASL association

EASL, the European Association for the Study of the Liver, is a medical organization dedicated to excellence in liver research, clinical practice of liver diseases since 1966. The purpose of the association is to disseminate knowledge and expertise in advanced practice and the latest scientific discoveries in hepatology.

NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) is a major cause of chronic liver disease along with a higher risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer, and is therefore a major public health concern. NAFLD represents a therapeutic area that has yet to achieve clinical benefits. This 4th iteration of the EASL NAFLD Summit brought together all experts involved in the fight against NAFLD, including clinicians, researchers, health professionals, and other industry professionals. In total, 532 delegates from 51 countries attended the summit.

Within the framework of this event, experts highlighted the most relevant events and challenges of this problem, a wide range of topics from disease mechanisms to biomarkers and treatment models, the latest therapeutic developments during 11 panel discussion platforms. Participants participated in panel discussions on controversial topics, and an interesting aspect of the summit was current and future clinical treatment in multidisciplinary, case-based approaches. During this event, 173 delegates presented data from their own research.

At the poster session, TNMU Assistant Professor Lina Bahnii presented the results of scientific research as part of the dissertation under the supervision of prof. S. M. Heriak on the topic: “Clinical characteristics of NAFLD in pregnant women with varying degrees of obesity”, which received a grant for free publication to the scientific base “EASL NAFLD Summit 2022”.

Assistant Professor Lina Bahnii during the poster session

The most interesting reports included:

Prof. Zobair Younossi “NAFLD: Current epidemiology and future trends” (The United States);

Prof. John F Dillon “NAFLD: Case finding, screening of risk populations and clinical algorithms” (United Kingdom);

Prof. Manuel Romero Gomez “Imaging biomarker: staging and treatment response” (Spain).

It was a pleasant opportunity to discuss the key principles of therapy of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in pregnant women with the key leader of hepatology, Prof. Vlad Ratziu (France).

Certificate confirming the report and receiving the grant

Lina Bahnii expresses her deepest appreciation to the administration of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University and the scientific coordinator of EASL NAFLD Summit Celine Santo for support, assistance and the opportunity to participate in the International Summit of the European Association for Liver Research and to present the results of our scientific research on an international scientific platform.