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Dialogue and Cooperation as the Keys to Success in Learning the Basics of Ultrasound Diagnostics

On March 30, 2023, a meeting of the staff of the Department of Physiology, Bioethics and Biosafety and Internal Medicine No. 2 was held. The meeting was initiated by the Head of the Department of Physiology, Professor Stepan Vadzyuk. During the conversation, a number of important and promising issues of ultrasound diagnostics were discussed.

Professor R. R. Komorovskyi informed the participants about the modern literature on the basics of echocardiography (ECG). The attendees discussed the issue of the physiological norm of Echocardiogram parameters in people of different ages and genders in clinical practice, as well as the importance of indexing the specified indicators. In particular, the recommendations of the British Society of Echocardiography, the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging and the American Society of Echocardiography were taken into account.

The participants of the meeting got acquainted with the use of different modes in clinical echocardiography, in particular, when evaluating the TAPSE index, contrast and 3D imaging of the heart. Associate Professor I.Ya. Papinko initiated a lively discussion regarding the prospects of using artificial intelligence in ultrasound examination of the heart and in medicine in general.

Professor R. R. Komorovskyi shared with his colleagues the experience of imaging rare clinical cases. One of the serious problems of echocardiography is the occurrence of artifacts when trying to obtain a high-quality image of heart structures and subsequent reliable assessment of blood flow parameters. In addition, the issue of using modern methods of ultrasound examination, in particular “speckle tracking” and Doppler examination of the heart, was raised.

Those present concluded the meeting with a discussion of further prospects for the development of modern ECG in Ukraine and emphasized the importance of continuing the exchange of experience.

The information was provided by L. I. Horban, Assistant Professor at the Department of Physiology, Bioethics and Biosafety.