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TNMU Professor Took Part in the “Challenges, Needs, Efficiency and Possibilities of Lung Rehabilitation in the Post-Covid Era, Air Pollution, Globalization and War in Ukraine” Conference

On September 29, 2023, the conference “Challenges, needs, efficiency and possibilities of lung rehabilitation in the post-Covid era, air pollution, globalization and war in Ukraine” («Wyzwania, potrzeby, skuteczność i możliwości rehabilitacji płuc w dobie pocovidowej, zanieczyszczeń powietrza, globalizacji i wojny w Ukrainie») was held in Wieliczka (Republic of Poland). The conference was attended by Leonid Hryshchuk, Professor of TNMU Department of Internal Medicine Propaedeutics and Phthisiology.
The organizers of the conference were Wieliczka Salt Mine Health Resort and Edmund Wojtyla Lesser Poland Hospital for Pulmonary Diseases and Rehabilitation in Jaroszowiec.
Professor Yurii Valetskyi from Volyn Medical Institute and Professor Borys Kuzminov from Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University represented Ukraine with their scientific developments.

Professor of TNMU Leonid Hryshchuk delivered a report on “Challenges, needs, effectiveness and possibilities of lung rehabilitation in the post-Covid-19 era, air pollution, globalization and war in Ukraine in the Ternopil region of Ukraine”. In the report, it was noted that in recent years, changes in the lungs have continued to be diagnosed after pneumonia due to COVID-19. The issue of rehabilitation of such patients, as well as patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, remains relevant.

Professor Leonid Hryshchuk together with Professor of the Jagiellonian University Roman Novobilskyi and Professor Borys Kuzminov.
After the end of the conference, an excursion to Wieliczka Salt Mine Health Resort was held. Treatment and rehabilitation procedures are carried out in specially equipped rooms (at a depth of 210 meters).

Professor Leonid Hryschuk expresses his sincere appreciation to Katarzyna Rys, director of the Salt Mine Health Resort, and Krzysztof Grzesik, director of the Hospital for Pulmonary Diseases and Rehabilitation, for the invitation to the conference and support for the visit to Poland.