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TNMU Students Completed Internship at Akkon University of Human Sciences in Berlin

With the beginning of the Russian war against Ukraine, the burden on the health care system increased significantly. Medical facilities, energy infrastructure became a constant target and goal of purposeful destruction. Fully-fledged medical care for the population has become difficult and costly. In this situation, the planned training measures were relegated to another plan. However, there is an urgent need to constantly improve the professional skills of specialists not only in the field of traumatology, military medicine and psychiatry, but also in other medical specialties, including nursing, paediatrics, midwifery, and internal medicine.

Ternopil National Medical University together with the Institute for Research in International Assistance (IRIA) of the Akkon University of Human Sciences in Berlin ( is working on the project “Healthcare during war times in Ukraine Training, continuous medical education and technical exchange via Podcasts and on site”. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Health and is aimed at supporting continuing medical education (CME).

Within the framework of this project, sixth-year students of TNMU Faculty of Medicine Anna-Maria Koval, Tetiana Oper, Anna Shkrobot, Khrystyna Bilozetska, Yulia Haliyash, Yulia Ziomko, Mykhaylo Korda, 3rd year of specialization “Paramedic” Yana Hanzina, Alina Frankova, Sofia Baranovych, Khrystyna Beznosa and postgraduate student of the Department of Surgery of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education Mariana-Ivanna Varvaruk (“Ukrainian voice of podcasts” – because she voiced most of the texts that are presented on various platforms) completed a one-week internship in Berlin on November 26-December 2, 2023, organized by Akkon Hochschule für Humanwissenschaften, HELIOS Klinikum Emil von Behring, Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin and UnifiedForHealth.

During the week, the participants took part in intensive theoretical and practical classes on various topics, including the health care system and the work of emergency medical care in Germany, reconstructive surgery, tuberculosis issues, antibiotic resistance, triage systems. In addition, the “prone position” was mastered in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Students had the opportunity to attend coronary angiography with balloon angioplasty, as well as bronchoscopy.

We express our deepest appreciation to Professor Timo Ulrichs, Gaby Feldmann, Karina Busemann, Lukas Herrmann, Dmytro Lyashov, Phillip Endler, Merle Bitter, Dennis Wengenroth.