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TNMU Students Discussed the Benefits of Physical Activity

TNMU students A. Pelikhovskyi (MM-602) and M. Filipchak (MM-605) organized university-wide events on physical education and the causes of diseases of the cardiovascular system in young people. The events were hosted by TNMU library and were aimed at discussion of topical issues and testing the physical fitness using exercises with dosed physical load.

Physical education at a young age is extremely relevant due to the increase in cardiovascular diseases among the young population. Research shows that insufficient physical activity, unhealthy lifestyle and reduced level of physical fitness can lead to the development of various cardiovascular problems at an early age.

Physical education at a young age is extremely relevant due to the increase in cardiovascular diseases among the young population. Research shows that insufficient physical activity, unhealthy lifestyle and reduced level of physical fitness can lead to the development of various cardiovascular problems at an early age.

One of the main risk factors is a sedentary lifestyle, which is becoming more and more common among young people. The use of computers, tablets and other electronic devices, as well as the lack of regular physical activity, lead to a general deterioration of health and an increase in the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Physical education includes regular training that contributes to maintaining an optimal level of physical fitness, strengthening the cardiovascular system and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Sports, aerobics, swimming, running, cycling and other types of activity can have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Regular physical activity also helps control weight and lower blood pressure, which are important aspects of cardiovascular disease prevention. In addition, it improves metabolism, lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood and improves the work of the cardiovascular system as a whole.

Preserving the health of the cardiovascular system at a young age is far-sighted, as it affects the quality of life and overall health in the future. Thus, the development of physical activity and physical education at a young age are key elements of a strategy to prevent cardiovascular diseases and support the overall health of the nation.