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TNMU Teachers Participated in the Academy of Global Health 2

On May 27-31, 2024, the scientific and practical seminar “Teaching Techniques Based on the Students’ Active Involvement” and “Academy of Global Health 2” took place at the Heidelberg Institute of Global Health of the University of Heidelberg (Germany), as well as the presentation of the project and the final meeting of the managers of the project “Building Academic Capacity in Global Health in the Eastern Europe-Central Asia Region, BACE”, which is carried out in within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 CBHE program and whose partner is TNMU.

Project participants.

TNMU was represented by Prof. Hanna Saturska, Assoc. Prof. Liudmyla Trushchenkova and Assoc. Prof. Yurii Petrashyk (Department of Public Health and Health Care Management of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University), who are among the participants of the aforementioned BACE project from TNMU.

TNMU representatives with Dr. Raphael Klöber, trainer and didactics consultant at the heiSKILLS Centre for Competences and Languages ​​at the University of Heidelberg.

The project “Building academic capacity in the field of global health in the region of Eastern Europe / Central Asia” (BACE) is aimed at creating or modernizing educational programs in the field of health care and the environment, modernization of governance of institutions of higher education and strengthening ties between higher education institutions of Ukraine and other countries with the economic and social environment.

Jamila Nabieva, BACE project coordinator, presents the progress of the project to the participants.

The overall goal of BACE is to enable participating countries to build the capacity of their higher education systems to integrate global health into their curricula. This goal will be achieved by developing the technical knowledge of partner universities on priority topics of global health and its research methods, building the potential of teachers in relation to pedagogical and methodological approaches to the development and implementation of new educational programs, joint development of new disciplines in global health.

Dr. Raphael Klöber analyses the feedback from the seminar participants.

The seminar “Teaching Techniques Based on the Students’ Active Involvement” was held by the heiSKILLS Centre for Competences and Languages ​​at the University of Heidelberg to build the capacity of teachers in relation to pedagogical and methodological approaches. It enabled the participants of the seminar to acquire individual and interdisciplinary competences, as well as to develop qualification profiles that go beyond traditional university studies.

Workshop participants with Dr. Raphael Klöber and Maria Bregulla, employees of the heiSKILLS Centre for Competences and Languages ​​at the University of Heidelberg.

The workshop focused on innovative, participatory and sustainable didactic approaches to university teaching. The seminar participants gained didactic and methodological knowledge about the relationship between teaching and learning, considered the conditions under which teaching/learning processes are subject, and how they can be modelled according to the requirements of teaching focused on student activity and involvement.

Workshop participants use the Fishbowl technique to discuss how generative AI is changing education and opening up both opportunities and challenges for university teaching.

The workshop program covered both basic and advanced topics such as motivation, competency-based learning, digital teaching methods, assessment and feedback, gave the participants the opportunity to analyse their own teaching and learning experience based on theoretical concepts, to think about their role as a teacher at the university and learn how they influence others when they teach, as well as develop and test new ways of learning and interacting.

Workshop participants used innovative learning techniques such as Fishbowl, Speed ​​Dating, Walkie Talkie, as well as the Disney’s Creative Strategy- a tool for brainstorming and for implementing generated ideas, which is based on a role-play to study the problem from three different consecutive points of view: the Dreamer, the Realist and the Critic.

Work of a problem-oriented working group.

During the “Academy of Global Health 2”, the project participants formed problem-oriented working groups consisting of representatives of universities participating in the project and worked on educational and methodological materials on selected topics.

Representatives of TNMU present the potential of TNMU and opportunities for cooperation to the seminar participants and partners.

The information and photographs were provided by Yurii Petrashyk.