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On March 11 and 12, a 2nd -year student of TNMU, Zakharii Boiko, conducted a series of events for students of the Kyiv Regional Branch of the Junior Academy of Sciences in a hybrid format.

The first event focused on “How to Overcome Stress Before Public Speaking.” Participants learned about effective techniques for managing anxiety before speaking—whether at a scientific conference, during a presentation to an audience, or on stage. The discussion covered breathing control techniques, methods for improving concentration, and practical exercises to reduce anxiety levels.

The second event initially planned to be held in person, was conducted online due to a massive missile attack on Ukraine. Its topic was “Medical Education in Ukraine: Admission, Studies, and Prospects.” Participants received information about the admission process to medical universities, key aspects of studying at medical faculties, and the advantages and opportunities offered by Ternopil National Medical University.