The electronic system for ranking distribution will automate the distribution of master’s graduates in medical and pharmaceutical specialties for an internship, making it completely transparent. In addition, thanks to the system, there will be electronic support for the entire internship training process, from admission to completion and issuing a certificate for a specialist doctor and pharmacist.
The system will collect and analyze the performance of graduates of higher education institutions, conduct automated ranking distribution for the internship, collect and store data about interns undergoing internship training, and generate electronic documents related to the process.
The system excludes the possibility of external interference in the ranking distribution process for the internship and its influence on its results. Furthermore, it is integrated with the unified vacancy portal for healthcare institutions so that interns will undergo the practical part of their training in positions needed by healthcare institutions.
This year, the internship distribution will occur among all graduates of higher medical and pharmaceutical education institutions, with the automated ranking score calculation. For the first time, a medical graduate can choose their preferred place by specialty from all available positions for the state distribution throughout the country.
Higher education institutions will register in the system and enter data about the graduate and their performance. Some of the information will be obtained from the Unified State Electronic Database on Education. After that, the graduate will register in the system, check their educational data, and calculate the ranking automatically. After calculating and forming the ranking, the graduate can submit up to five applications for distribution.
The ranking score will be formed from four indicators: KROK-1 or KROK B (20% of the score), KROK-2 (40%), OSCE (20%), and the average score of the graduate for all years of study (20%). The calculation will be done with an accuracy of 0.00001.
The first distribution in the system will take place on March 17, 2025, for graduates of the specialty “Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Technologies,” who are participating in the distribution for the internship in the specialty “Laboratory Diagnostics, Virology, Microbiology.” Graduates of the specialty from four universities will participate in this distribution: Zaporizhzhya State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Kharkiv National Medical University, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, and O. O. Bohomolets National Medical University.
The places for internship training in this specialty, which will be available for selection during the distribution in March, have been provided by:
• For the educational part – 10 higher education institutions under the Ministry of Health;
• For the practical part – 102 healthcare institutions, including clinical hospitals and disease control and prevention centers.
The main distribution will take place in June-July. Over 5,000 graduates will participate in it, majoring in “Medicine,” “Pediatrics,” and “Medical Psychology.” If there are available spots, graduates in the specialties of “Dentistry” and “Pharmacy” will also be able to participate. It is expected that the number of vacant positions provided by higher education institutions (in the system) and healthcare institutions (on the vacancy portal) will be much more significant.
The system was created on the Diya. Engine Platform, with the support of the Swiss-Ukrainian EGAP Program, and was implemented by the Eastern Europe Foundation.
The graduate and intern cabinet is available via Healthcare and higher education institution representatives can access the user cabinet . If you have any questions, support is available via . Information materials and instructions for users are already available via . A presentation of the system’s functional capabilities is also available on YouTube .
The system will be available to master’s graduates in specialties such as “Dentistry,” “Medicine,” “Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Technologies,” “Medical Psychology,” “Pharmacy,” and “Pediatrics” in the field of “Healthcare and Social Security,” who are participating in the internship distribution; doctor-interns and pharmacist-interns; representatives of healthcare and higher education institutions; representatives of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the National Health Service of Ukraine; representatives of departments (ministries) of healthcare of state (military) administrations; representatives of other state bodies, NAS of Ukraine, NAMSU, which manage healthcare institutions.
Information from the website: