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Welcome to the TNMU website!

  • Open Day at TNMU

    On March 16, 2025, TNMU hosted an Open Day. The university welcomed future applicants, including high school graduates, medical college graduates, and individuals interested in master’s progr...

  • The Electronic System for Ranking Distribution in the Internship has Sta...

    The electronic system for ranking distribution will automate the distribution of master’s graduates in medical and pharmaceutical specialties for an internship, making it completely transpare...

  • TNMU Pharmacy Students Explored the Laboratory Complex of the Ternopil R...

    From March 7 to 13, 2025, 5th-year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Ternopil National Medical University had the opportunity to visit the state-of-the-art laboratory complex at the Ternopil R...

  • The “TNMU-UoM English Speaking Club” at TNMU

    In the summer of 2022, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University became a partner of The University of Manchester’s Medical School through the initiative of Cormack Consultancy Group, su...

  • Director of the Board of “Elevate Ukraine” Proposed Cooperat...

    On March 13, 2025, the Director of the Board of the organization “Elevate Ukraine,” Jerry Fox, visited Ternopil National Medical University with his wife. He is an experienced volunteer...

  • TNMU Student Met with Students of the Kyiv Regional Branch of the Junior...

    On March 11 and 12, a 2nd -year student of TNMU, Zakharii Boiko, conducted a series of events for students of the Kyiv Regional Branch of the Junior Academy of Sciences in a hybrid format. The firs...

  • A Scheduled Meeting of the TNMU Rectorate

    A scheduled meeting of the Rectorate of Ternopil National Medical University was held on March 13, 2025, under the chairmanship of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Professor Arkadii Shulhai. T...

  • A Day at TNMU for Students of Ternopil Secondary School No. 24

    On March 12, 2025, Ternopil Secondary School No. 24 students visited Ternopil National Medical University to learn about medical professions. They were welcomed by Professor Arkadii Shulhai, Vice-R...

  • Health Lesson for Ternopil Schoolchildren at the TNMU Department of Dent...

    The Department of Dentistry at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education, TNMU, hosted a health lesson for Ternopil Specialized School No. 3 students. Faculty members and dental interns educated the st...

  • TNMU Representatives Participated in a Scientific Conference

    On March 6, 2025, the Department of Higher Nursing Education, Patient Care, and Clinical Immunology faculty attended the regional nursing conference held at the Ternopil Regional Clinical Hospital....