Перейти до вмісту

On April 11, 2024, 5th year international students, specialty “Medicine”, passed the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) on the basis of the Interdepartmental Education and Training Center TESIMED in face-to-face and remote mode by solving virtual clinical cases in internal medicine (3 stations), pediatrics (3 stations), surgery (2 stations), obstetrics and gynecology (2 stations), anesthesiology (1 station), infectious diseases (1 station).

The exam was held on the basis of objectivity, openness, unification of conditions and correct timing. After registration and given instructions, under the supervision of teachers, students performed practical tasks consecutively at 12 different stations, which covered the practical skills that were provided for mastering the curriculum and allowed to test the competence of students in applying existing knowledge in practice

Since our students systematically practice practical skills during classes and therefore are continuosly gaining the necessary clinical experience, they have shown professional competency and obtained high results during this exam.

The Dean’s office of the faculty of international students congratulates the 5th year international students on the successful passing of the OSCE, and also expresses gratitude to the working group for the organization and conduct of the OSCE, as well as to all the teachers who were involved in the exam.