Students’ academic mobility in the frame of international cooperation with Wroclaw Medical University

Program language: English
In order to expand the academic mobility of students, improve the quality of higher education, increase the efficiency of research, increase the competitiveness of graduates in Ukrainian and international markets of educational services and labor, achieve international comparison of educational standards, attract foreign intellectual potential through bilateral and multilateral agreements between Ukrainian and foreign partner educational institutions, establishing internal and external integration relations, TNMU launched a program of international student exchanges with Wroclaw Medical University.
Students of IV-V courses of the medical faculty who meet the following conditions can apply for a semester study within the framework of the exchange program:

  •  be successful in education (certificate from the dean’s office on the average grade point average); 
  • speak English and / or Polish at a level that allows you to fully understand the theoretical aspects of classes and communicate with teachers;
  •  have high professional motivation;
  •  be engaged in scientific activities (participation in the programs “Student Science and Vocational Training”, “Student as a future specialist of high qualification” and scientific circles at clinical departments, participations at conferences, the availability of printed scientific papers and other intellectual property);
  •  participate in international programs (International student summer schools, internships, international conferences);
  •  be engage in social activity.

Within a month since the end of the selection at his university, student is obliged to provide the host with all documents needed. 
The host university enrolls the student by signing a study contract. The document confirming the enrollment of the disciplines studied at the partner university is the Transcript off records . Both universities adopt the assessment systems used. The student’s main university decides on the enrollment of disciplines in accordance with internal rules. During the study, the student receives the rights of a student of the host university. The host university does not receive tuition fees and provides the student with the opportunity to live in a dormitory on a general basis. The student covers the costs of accommodation, meals, health insurance and transportation at his own expense. The student is obliged to comply with the statutory requirements and instructions of the administration of the host party. The host university may immediately complete the exchange program for a student who does not meet these requirements.
Within a month after the end of the recruitment in the home university, the student is obligated to present the receiving university following documents: application form (Annex А), learning agreement (Annex В),
information on preliminary learning outcomes (Annex С).
The receiving university decides on the acceptance of the student into the programme by endorsing the learning agreement proposed by the student.
The document confirming the credits of the courses obtained by the student is the Transcript of recоrds (Annex D). Both universities accept the grading scales of the other university (Annex Е). The receiving university will not charge fee for the studies. The student will cover the cost of living during the studies, the costs of food and accommodation, as well as the transport costs and the cost of health insurance. The student is obligated to follow all applicable laws and regulations of the receiving university. The receiving university may end the exchange programme with a student who does not fulfil the requirements.