Ternopil National Medical University offers its students an unique opportunity to gain two diplomas: Ukrainian and Polish.

University of Security in Poznan (Poland) carries out a mission of educating highly competent safety managers. Except for undergraduate courses, we also offer a variety of postgraduate diploma programmes which are addressed to individuals with a bachelor’s, master’s or engineering degree. All lectures and seminars are conducted by qualified specialists. WSB alumni will have the knowledge of social pathology prevention, internal and national security issues as well as the ability to realise security-promoting projects.

The University of Security realises its educational goals through:

– intensifying the didactic process;
– encouraging the collaboration between students and academic staff and the external environment;
– teaching students how to successfully learn and self-improve;
– teaching students how to assume the responsibility for their own professional career;
– educational flexibility with a special stress on professional specialization;
– the quality of education and the focus on critical and creative educational strategies.

Programme language: polish
More information about studying possibilities at University of Security in Poznań: