Programme languages: english and/or polish

A month training for young scientists
Wroclaw Medical University in collaboration with Medical Association of Lower Silesia offers young scientists of Ternopil National Medical University the opportunity to get acquainted with medical standards of Polish medical institutions. They can improve their professional skills during one month training at clinic and theoretical departments of Wroclaw University. Training will take place due to specialization of each participant. Accommodation costs and municipal transport expenses covers Medical Association of Lower Silesia.

Requirements for applicants:
1. Doctor’s or Dentist’s Diploma;
2. To be scientist of Ternopil National Medical University;
3. Polish and/or English at a sufficient level for professional communication;
4. Age: under 35.

Please, contact us for details:

Short-term training for scientists
Wroclaw Medical University offers scientists of Ternopil National Medical University (who obtained Doctor’s Degree and PhD Degree, with age over 35), a short-term training (“visiting professor”) at clinic and theoretical departments of Wroclaw Medical University according to specialization and professional interests of a host university. This programme should be coordinated with the head of the host institution.
The aim of the “visiting professor” programme is generally to bring to educational institution in question an exceptional senior scholar who can contribute to and enrich the community’s intellectual and research endeavours and international projection. Hence, in addition to conducting their own research, visitors are often expected to actively participate in a number of productive institutional activities, such as:

1. Deliver a lecture to the host institution
2. Engage in formal or informal discussions with graduate or postgraduate research students
3. Conduct collaborative research with faculty or staff
4. Contribute to the university’s teaching by presenting guest lectures or faculty seminars
5. Present a paper as part of the university’s seminar programme

Requirements for applicants:
1. Polish and/or English at a sufficient level for professional communication;
2. To deliver a lecture to the host institution for students or/and medical staff;
3. Age: over 35.

All the travel expenses are covered by the participant of the programme.
See more at
Should you have any questions regarding the programme please contact with Dr. Wojciech Barg (