
Employees of various TNMU departments took internships in foreign institutions of higher education in:
1. Lisnychuk N. (France)
2. Cozachok S. (Poland)
3. Rosolovska S. (Poland)
4. Kravets N. (Poland)
5. Vaida A. (Germany)
6. Kulitska M. (Republic of Lithuania)
7. Kuzmak I. (Republic of Lithuania)
8. Yaroshenko T. (Republic of Lithuania)
9. Hvozdetska I. (Poland)
10. Hrystenko О. (Poland)
11. Boyarchuk O. (Poland)
12. Sydorenko O. (USA)
13. Radetska L. (France)
14. Martyniuk L. (Poland)
15. Denys A. (France)
16. Marushchak M. (Estonia)
17. Yastremska S. (USA)
18. Danchak S. (USA)
19. Loza Ye. (USA)

20. Hnatko K. (Bulgaria)
21. Aleksevych К. (Bulgaria)
22. Luchyshyn N. (Poland)
23. Popovych D. (Poland)
24. Voloshyn S. (Spain)
25. Banadyha N. (Spain)
26. Zakharchuk U. (Poland)
27. Kozachok S. (Poland)
28. Shevchuk O. (Georgia)
29. Hrabchak S. (UAE)
30. Klishch I. (Poland)
31. Zavidniuk Yu. (Poland)
32. Lohoyda L. (Greece)
33. Marushchak M. (Poland)
34. Loy H. (France)
35. Slyva V. (Great Britain)
36. Tolokova T. (Latvia)
37. Oliynyk O. (Poland)
38. Oleshchuk O. (Poland)
39. Boyarchuk O. (Poland)
40. Holiachenko А. (Poland)

Feedback, stories of success and impressions of participants at the links:


1. Hnatko K. (Poland)
2. Holiachenko A. (Poland)
3. Lisnychuk N. (Egypt)
4. Lohoyda L. (Egypt)
5. Hudyma A. (Republic of Moldova)
6. Tsymbaliuk G. (Republic of Moldova)
7. Kostiv O. (Republic of Moldova)
8. Petrenko N. (Republic of Moldova)
9. Haliyash N. (Republic of Moldova)
10. Lepiavko A. (Republic of Moldova)
11. Loy H. (France)
12. Miz A. (Poland)
13. Bodnar P. (Poland)
14. Bodnar T. (Poland)
15. Maxiv H. (France)
16. Vons B. (France)
17. Monastyrska M. (France)
18. Tsviakh A. (Germany)
19. Hospodarsky A. (Germany)
20. Shevchuk O. (Germany)
21. Shanaida M. (Poland)
22. Sarapuk I. (Poland)
23. Yakymchuk O. (Netherlands)
24. Selsky P. (Poland)
25. Kramar S. (France)
26. Loy H. (France)
27. Ravliv Yu. (Poland)
28. Lohoyda L. (Egypt)
29. Tsviakh A. (USA)
30. Hospodarsky A. (USA)
31. Livar T. (Israel)
32. Hrytsenko S. (Slovakia)
33. Chornomydz А. (Poland)
34. Pasiaka N. (Poland)
35. Bilkevych N. (Georgia)
36. Petrenko N. (Georgia)
37. Kitsai K. (Italy)

38. Yastremska S. (USA)
39. Danchak S. (USA)
40. Popovych D. (Poland)
41. Vaida O. (Poland)
42. Slyva V. (Portugal)
43. Rohalsky I. (Estonia)
44. Luchynsky V. (Estonia)
45. Shcherba V. (Estonia)
46. ​​Krekhovska-Lepiavko O. (Poland)
47. Lisnychuk N. (China)
48. Danchak S. (China)
49. Shulhai A. (Germany)
50. Datsko T. (Poland)
51. Orel Yu. (Poland)
52. Volska A. (India)
53. Ruzhytska О. (Italy)
54. Zaporozhan S. (Israel)
55. Martyniuk I. (Poland)
56. Panasiuk Ya. (Poland)
57. Susla O. (Greece)
58. Sarapuk I. (Austria)
59. Saturska H. (Canada)
60. Petrashik Yu. (Canada)
61. Namisniak О. (Canada)
62. Sarapuk I. (Austria)
63. Lisnychuk N. (Poland)
64. Klishch I. (Poland)
65. Zavidniuk Yu. (Poland)
66. Korda I. (Poland)
67. Harhula T. (Finland)
68. Kravets N. (Finland)
69. Pavlyshyn H. (Austria)
70. Smiyan S. (Poland)
71. Burbela E. (Poland)
72. Hlushko K.(Poland)
73. Shevchuk O. (Greece)
74. Slyva V. (Germany)

Feedback, stories of success and impressions of participants at the links:


1. Mysula I. (Poland)
2. Danylevych Yu. (Poland)
3. Saturska H. (Poland)
4. Mazur L. (USA)
5. Popovych D. (Latvia)
6. Zavidniuk Yu. (Latvia)
7. Viytovych LE (Poland)
8. Mykhailiuk I. (Germany)
9. Mykhailiuk V. (Germany)
10. Koshak Yu. (Poland)
11. Popovych D. (Czech Republic)
12. Shulhai A. (Germany)
13. Birchenko I. (Germany)
14. Zaporozhan S. (Czech Republic)
15. Mysula I. (Poland)
16. Zavidniuk Yu. (Poland)
17. Fedoniuk L. (Sweden)
18. Kovalchuk T. (Sweden)
19. Mazur L. (USA)
20. Krekhovska-Lepiavko O. (USA)
21. Viitovych L. (Poland)
22. Nakonechna S. (Poland)

23. Lebid O. (India)
24. Furdela V. (Poland)
25. Lekan R. (Poland)
26. Yastremska S. (Poland)
27. Tsymbaliuk H. (Lithuania)
28. Yastremska S. (Canada)
29. Mazur L. (Canada)
30. Korda I. (Germany)
31. Bodnar P. (Poland)
32. Bodnar T. (Poland)
33. Sokol M. (Latvia)
34. Korda M. (Austria)
35. Ivanusa I. (Poland)
36. Mykhalkiv M. (Poland)
37. Zahriichuk H. (Poland)
38. Bai A. (Poland)
39. Mysula I. (Poland)
40. Benedykt W. (Slovakia)
41. Prodan A. (Slovakia)
42. Piatnochka V. (Slovakia)
43. Fedoniuk L. (Sweden)
44. Kovalchuk T. (Sweden)

1. Krekhovska-Lepiavko O. (USA)
2. Herasymiuk M. (Poland)
3. Susla O. (Belgium)
4. Husak S. (France)
5. Zaporozhan S. (Germany)
6. Korda M. (Germany)
7. Ravliv Yu. (Poland)
8. Lohoyda L. (Egypt)
9. Shevchuk O. (Egypt)
10. Pokotylo O. (Egypt)
11. Pokryshko O. (Egypt)
12. Mysula I. (Poland)

Feedback, stories of success and impressions of participants at the links:



During the global Covid-19 pandemic, the scientific and pedagogical staff of the university carried out online:

  • professional internships (39 events) – 35 employees;
  • participation in international scientific forums (49 events) – 33 employees;
  • participation in international trainings / workshops (15 events) – 17 employees.

1. Holovata Т. (Turkey)
2. Popovych D. (Czech Republic)
3. Danchak S. (USA)
4. Shevchuk O. (Spain)
5. Pak А. (Spain)
6. Mysula I. (Poland)
7. Tsymbaliuk H. (Kazakhstan)
8. Ivanitska Т. (Hungary)

Feedback, stories of success and impressions of participants at the links:


1. Mysula I. (Poland)
2. Gursky V. (USA)
3. Paliy S. (Spain)
4. Oginska N. (Spain)
5. Kramar S. (Spain)
6. Fedoniuk L. (Poland)
7. Kramar S.B. (France)
8. Pak A. (Spain)
9. Horodetskyy V. (Poland)
10. Saturska H. (Germany)

11. Ravliv Yu. (Poland)
12. Shulhai A.-M. (Italy)
13. Gomelyak T. (Croatia)
14. Tolokova T. (Italy)
15. Loy H. (France)
16. Yurchyshyn O. (Italy)
17. Lepyavko A. (Germany)
18. Melnychuk I. (Poland)
19. Mehno N. (Spain)
20. Dobryanska V. (Austria)

Feedback, stories of success and impressions of participants at the links:


1. Pavlyshyn H.A. (Austria)
2. Luchyshyn N.Yu. (Austria)
3. Bondarchuk V.I. (Slovakia, Germany)
4. Tsymbalyuk H.Yu. (Moldova, Poland)
5. Bilkevych N.A. (Armenia, Lithuania, Georgia, Germany)
6. Pasiaka N.V. (Armenia, Georgia)
7. Petrenko N.V. (Armenia)
8. Lisnychuk N.Ye. (Lithuania, Italy, Georgia)
9. Kovalchhuk T.A. (Lithuania, Italy, Georgia)
10. Yurchyshyn O.M. (Italy)
11. Melnychuk I.M. (Poland)
12. Nitefor L.V. (Italy)
13. Dovhalyuk A.I. (Greece)
14. Kozak O. (Poland)
15. Sabat Z. (Poland)
16. Burak A.Ye. (Austria, Poland)
17. Hrytsenko S.Yo. (Austria)
18. Batkivska O.B. (France)
19. Saturska H.S. (Germany)
20. Jegestovska D.V. (Netherlands)

21. Bahniy L.V. (Austria)
22. Shevchuk O.O. (Czech Republic, USA, Germany, Italy)
23. Lebedeva T.A. (Germany)
24. Shulhai A-M. (Italy)
25. Venher O.P. (Bosnia)
26. Luta O.O. (Bosnia)
27. Mehno N.Ya. (Poland)
28. Dovha I.I. (Poland)
29. Loy H.Ya. (France)
30. Varvaruk M-I. (Germany)
31. Dobrovolska L.I. (Great Britain)
32. Sydorenko O.L. (Netherlands, Germany)
33. Borovyk I.O. (Netherlands, Germany)
34. Zahrychuk H.Ya. (Netherlands, Germany)
35. Haliyash N.B. (Germany)
36. Martynuk L.P. (Germany)
37. Husak S.R. (Netherlands, Germany)

Feedback, stories of success and impressions of participants at the links:


1. Lebedeva T. A. (Germany)
2. Paliy S. M. (Germany)
3. Homelyuk T. M. (Spain)
4. Salamadze O. O. (Spain)
5. Chebernina I. O. (Spain)
6. Mysula I. R. (Poland)
7. Saturska H. C. (Germany)
8. Yurchyshyn O. M. (Italy)
9. Kramar S. B. (France)
10. Labivka O. V. (Poland)
11. Misterman I. P. (Poland)
12. Vyshnevska Y. A. (Poland)
13. Varvaruk M.-I. T. (Poland)
14. Husak S. R. (Czech Republic)
15. Kovalchuk T. A. (Austria, Poland)
16. Holovata T. K. (The Netherlands, Belgium)
17. Mykolenko A. Z. (The Netherlands, Belgium)

18. Pavlyshyn H. A. (Greece)
19. Sarapuk I. M. (Greece)
20. Lisnychuk N. Ye. (Poland)
21. Ivanchuk I. M. (Poland)
22. Harhula T. I. (Spain)
23. Luchyshyn N. Yu. (Poland)
24. Dobrovolska L. I. (Great Britain)
25. Heryak S. M. (Austria)
26. Loy H. Ya. (France)
27. Shulhay A.-M. A. (Italy)
28. Shkrobot S. I. (France)
29. Borovyk I. O. (Slovenia)
30. Bahniy L. V. (Austria)
31. Haliyash N. B. (Austria)
32. Bakalyuk T. H. (Sweden)
33. Buchynskyi M. V. (France)
34. Bilkevych N. A. (Germany)

Feedback, stories of success and impressions of participants at the links: