M. Skakun Academic and Research Institute of Pharmacology, Hygiene and Medical Biochemistry (ARI PHMB)
DMSc, PhD, MD, Professor
Associate Director for Education
DMSc, PhD, Professor
Associate Director for Science
PhD, MD, associate
The position of Director of the Institute was held in different years by Prof. Yaroslav Honskyy (2005-2008), Associate Professor Kostyantyn Pashko (2008-2012), Professor Oleksandra Oleshchuk (2012-2013)
prof. Ya. Honskyi
аssoc. prof. K. Pashko
prof. О. Oleshchuk
Skakun Academic and Research Institute of Pharmacology, Hygiene and Medical Biochemistry (ARI PHMB) was created on June 8, 2005 by the decision of the Academic Council of Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University (TSMU) and by the order of the Rector No 201 dated June, 8, 2005, as a the structural subdivision of the Medical Faculty.
The main purpose of its creation is the training of modern specialists who must have sufficient medical knowledge and skills, as well as conducting comprehensive scientific research. The institute has an Academic Council, which is an advisory body to the director of the institute, who is the head of the academic council, and a cyclic methodical commission (CMC). Their meetings are held in accordance with approved annual plans. Based on the decisions of the academic council, the director of the institute issues orders that must be followed by all teachers, employees of the institute, and students. Current issues of educational and educational-methodical work of the institute’s departments are reviewed at the CMC.
ARI PHMB is located in the administrative building of the university
The main structural subdivisions of the ARI are three departments: Medical Biochemistry (Head of the Department- Prof. Svitlana Pidruchna), Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology (Head of the Department – Prof. Oleksandra Oleshchuk, HHead of the Clinical Pharmacology course – Prof. V. Shmanko), General Hygiene and Ecology (Head – Prof. Mykola Kashuba). Forty-six teachers, including 11 doctors of science (10 professors), 32 candidates of science and doctors of philosophy, 26 associate professors, 3 senior teachers, 6 assistants, provide the educational process at the ARI. There are 26 English-speaking teachers working at the departments, including 7 with B2 level international certificates.
Team of the Department of Medical Biochemistry
Team of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology
Team of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology
Forty-six teachers, including 11 doctors of science (10 professors), 35 candidates of science and doctors of philosophy, 26 associate professors, 3 senior teachers, 5 assistants, provide the educational process at the ARI. There are 25 English-speaking teachers working at the departments, including 6 with B2 level international certificates.
The educational facilities of the ARI include 25 classrooms, 4 lecture halls, a hall for video conferences, 3 computer classrooms, where the students can acquire knowledge of the subject using virtual educational computer programs, video films, educational video lectures, created by teachers of the ARI PHMB departments, educational materials presented on the university’s WEB portal through the Moodle system. The departments are equipped with 8 interactive whiteboards, 23 video systems, and 111 computers. This allows the organization of the educational process to be at the most modern level.
Computer classes of the ARI PHMB
The educational process at the ARI PHMB departments is carried out in accordance with the approved standards of higher education, educational and professional programs, curricula at the corresponding levels of higher education. Education at the ARI is conducted in 85 different educational subjects/disciplines. Interactive learning methods are widely used in the educational process: seminars, discussions, simulation training, etc.
Practical classes at the Department of Medical Biochemistry: Prof. Mykhaylo Korda, Prof. Petro Lykhatskyi, Assoc. Prof. Oksana Ostrivka, Assoc. Prof. Tetiana Yaroshenko
For the objective assessment of the knowledge of students of higher education in a single test exam, multiple choice question tasks in two languages (Ukrainian and English) were created for each practical session. All these multiple choice questions were included in the all-university database of tasks of the Center for Independent Testing, and they are effectively used to determine the initial level of knowledge in all topics of the subjects. The database of these test tasks at the ARI PHMB departments is constantly updated and replenished, the evaluation of the validity and improvement of the tests continues, they are diversified with figures and schemes, situational tasks, photos, tables, graphic images, etc. On the Moodle websites of the departments, all educational and methodological materials from all disciplines are correctly located, including lecture presentations, educational videos, repositories of video lectures created by the teachers of the departments, materials for preparing lectures and practical classes, methodological instructions for classes, including topics for independent work, algorithms of practical skills. Students of higher education have free access to all those materials through the Intranet and Internet 24 hours a day, which has become especially relevant after the introduction of online education. To ensure the high quality of the educational process, international educational platforms (ELSEVIER HEALTH, AMBOSS, EBSCO, Lecturio) are also used, to which teachers and students of higher education have free access.
Practical classes at the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology: Prof. Oleksandra Oleshchuk, Assoc. Prof. Iryna Moseychuk, Prof. Oksana Shevchuk, Prof. Kateryna Posokhova.
In order to fully prepare students for the “Krok” (“Step”) licensing exams, training at each practical session is carried out using database of test tasks (with the advisory help of department teachers). Additionally, advisory thematic lectures are read at the end of the academic year.
Practical classes at the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology: Assoc. Prof. Halyna Krytska, Prof. Olena Lototska
Since the introduction of on-line educational process, teachers of the ARI PHMB departments have started giving on-line lectures for students of all academic faculties.
Teachers of ARI PHMB are conducting lectures online
The training process continues during an air alarm. At the same time, the requirements of the Rector’s Order regarding the stay of students of higher education during an air raid in the shelters of the administrative building are being strictly followed.
Training in shelter during an air alarm
During the years of existence of the Academic Research Institute, the teachers of the ARI have written 25 textbooks (1 – in English) on the taught disciplines, and 42 manuals and guidelines (9 – in English), which are used at Medical Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of 1-4 levels of accreditation.
Textbooks, written by the ARI PHMB teachers
Training manuals, written by the ARI PHMB teachers
ARI PHMB teachers participated in the following national and international programs aimed at improving the quality of higher education:
– The program for improving teaching in higher education of Ukraine, which is implemented by the British Council in Ukraine in partnership with the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Advance HE (Great Britain) and with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education.
– Training course “Management of internationalization and German-Ukrainian academic cooperation 2020-2021” (“Support for the internationalization of Ukrainian higher education institutions – continuing education programs for administrators at Ukrainian higher education institutions in education and academic management (2019-2021) – is being implemented by the British Council in Ukraine in partnership with the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Advance HE (Great Britain) and with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education.
Prof. O. Shevchuk is a participant of the Erasmus+ OPEN 4UA Project, Delft, the Netherlands, and Brussels, Belgium (2024)
Prof. O. Shevchuk – speaker at the “Future of Education in Ukraine” conference at the Royal Tropical Institute (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2024)
Scientific research at the ARI PHMB departments is carried out in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine and the priority thematic areas of scientific activity, in particular, the implementation of grant research, departmental and interdepartmental research projects, dissertation projects; execution of contractual works. ARI PHMB employees participate in the organization and holding of scientific and practical conferences; organize the research of the department branches of the student scientific society.
Over the years of the ARI existence, scientists of its Departments have completed 19 research departmental and interdepartmental initiative-research projects, 11 grant projects, 3 research projects financed by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, and 10 enterprise contract research projects.
The results of the research of the ARI PHMB employees were reflected in 26 monographs, 15 scientific methodological recommendations and information letters, 103 patents, more than 782 articles in specialized scientific journals, including 161 in journals included in Scopus and WEB of Science databases, more than 700 publications in the materials of symposia, congresses, and conferences.
Over the years of the existence of the ARI PHMB, the Departments have trained 12 doctors of science, 39 candidates of science. All-Ukrainian congress of biochemists was organized at the ARI PHMB, as well as 36 fundamental scientific and applied science conferences.
The research work of students of the Department branches of Student Scientific Society (SSS) is continuously carried out, the results of which are traditionally made public at the Congress of Students and Young Scientists, which is held annually at TNMU, and published in Ukrainian and international research journals. The research results of the SSS members of the ARI PHMB departments has been repeatedly awarded with diplomas.
Members of the Student Scientific Society of the Department of Medical Biochemistry
Members of the Student Scientific Society of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology
In the administrative building of TNMU, on the basis of which the ARI PHMB is located, there are divisions of the interdepartmental educational and research laboratory, the design and equipment of which guarantee the conduct of modern high-quality research in accordance with the principles of GLP, including for the successful implementation of international scientific projects. In particular, the cell culture laboratory is actively working, which is equipped with a vertical loading autoclave, powerful CO2 incubators for growing cell cultures, an inverted microscope, a laminar box of the II A class of biological safety, etc., which allows, in particular, to carry out regenerative medicine projects using stem mesenchymal cells. The polymerase chain reaction laboratory is equipped with a modern “Rotor Gene 6000” amplifier, which operates in Real-time PCR mode, which provides a simultaneous process of amplification and hybridization-fluorescence detection, automatic registration and interpretation of the obtained results. To carry out the necessary electrophoretic studies, the Perkin Elmer-2400 DNA amplifier, Invitrogen Waters chromatographic equipment, etc. are used.
Research lab of cell cultures of the interdepartmental educational and research laboratory
Assoc. Professor Hrystyna Kurylo and Assoc Prof. Liliya Palytsya are working in the interdepartmental educational and research laboratory
On the basis of the laboratory, students of higher education study modern research methods, members of SSS master the basics of painstaking scientific research.
Students while performing research experiments
Since the first days of the war, the teachers of the ARI PHMB have been actively volunteering. TNMU is connected to the MEDDATA ministerial platform. The medical and pharmaceutical team works on receiving, sorting, and registering medicines that come from abroad through the channels of humanitarian aid, and sends them to military infirmaries and hospitals.
In the volunteer center of TNMU
The teachers of the ARI PHMB Departments are mentors of young people, both domestic and international students, who are introduced to historical monuments and picturesque places of Ukraine, instill in young people a sense of love and pride for their land, organize visits to museums, exhibitions, concerts, educate young people, so they have a respectful attitude towards their teachers, take an active part in different celebrations that take place at the University, etc. The ARI PHMB team does not remain aloof when conducting charitable activities, provides assistance to children in orphanages, children with visual impairments, etc. The ARI PHMB teachers publish articles in certain periodicals, in particular, in the newspapers “Medical Academy” and “University Hospital”, about conducted work with students.
At the ethnographic exhibition. Organizer – Assist. Prof. of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology Orysya Smachylo (center) with the Rector of the University Prof. Mykhaylo Korda and the Head of the international relations Department Assoc. Prof. Natalia Lisnychuk (2018)
The team of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, together with the employees of the Ternopil Regional Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, participate in the University embroidery (Vyshyvanka) contest (2018)
Team of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology – Vyshyvanka Day (2023)
Creative literary evening with Prof. Mykola Kashuba (2019)
Students and teachers of ARI PHMB departments at annual charity sweet fairs
The teachers of the ARI PHMB together with the students of the curatorial groups organized the collection of waste paper, the proceeds went to the aid fund of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (2024)
The teachers of the ARI PHMB Departments are mentors of young people, both domestic and international students, who are introduced to historical monuments and picturesque places of Ukraine, instill in young people a sense of love and pride for their land, organize visits to museums, exhibitions, concerts, educate young people, so they have a respectful attitude towards their teachers, take an active part in different celebrations that take place at the University, etc. The ARI PHMB team does not remain aloof when conducting charitable activities, provides assistance to children in orphanages, children with visual impairments, etc. The ARI PHMB teachers publish articles in certain periodicals, in particular, in the newspapers “Medical Academy” and “University Hospital”, about conducted work with students.
Students of the Faculty of Medicine together with the curator Smachylo O.M. during the presentation of thanks for volunteer assistance in fundraising activities for the 105th brigade of the Armed Forces (2024)
Meeting with veterans of the Department of Medical Biochemistry (from left to right: Halyna Shershun, O. Bagan, M. Korda, P. Trendovatskyi, I. Chubata, L. Rubina) (2015)
Students of the medical faculty together with their mentors during a visit to the museum of our outstanding compatriot Ivan Horbachevsky in the village of Zarubyntsi, Zbaraz district, Ternopil region (2023)
In 2024, an evening honoring the memory of Professor Mykola Petrovych Skakun organized by the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology was held at TNMU on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth, at which his dissertation students spoke with memories and warm words of gratitude.
Prof. Oksana Shevchuk together with students on an excursion to Skalat (2018)
In addition to their successful teaching and research activities, teachers of the ARI PHMB hold administrative positions and have important additional duties, including:
Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, prof. Mykhaylo Korda – Rector of TNMU, member of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Biochemical Society, Representative of TNMU at the General Assembly of members of RECOOP HST Association, Chairman of the Specialized Scientific Council D 58.601.01, member of the editorial board of five scientific journals (“Pharmaceutical Journal”, Ukraine, “Social, Health, and Communication Studies Journal”, Canada, “Health Problems of Civilization”, Poland, “Medical Education”, Ukraine, “Bulletin of Social Hygiene”, Ukraine).
Prof. Petro Lykhatskyi – Dean of the Medical Faculty of TNMU, Head of the Trade Union organization of TNMU.
Prof. Oksana Shevchuk – Head of the Research Department of TNMU (2014-2022), Coordinator of cooperation with RECOOP HST Association, Head of the Research Project Management Department (from 2022 – ongoing).
Prof. Oleksandra Oleshchuk – Head (2018-2022) and Member (from 2023) of the Expert Committee of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the Selection and Use of Essential Medicinal Products, member of the Expert Commission of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in the field of “Theoretical Medicine and Pharmacy”, guarantor of the educational and professional program ” Healthcare”, specialty 222 “Medicine”.
Prof. Kateryna Posokhova – Head of the Ternopil Regional Department of Pharmacovigilance of the State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Director of the Academic and Research Institute of Pharmacology, Hygiene and Medical Biochemistry (from 2014).
Prof. Mykola Kashuba is the Head of the Department of Scientific and Medical Information of TNMU, the scientific director of the publishing house “Ukrmedknyga”, a member of the Union of Writers of Ukraine, a member of the Union of Journalists of Ukraine.
Prof. Olena Lototska – Assistant Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and Social Issues (2010-2012).
Prof. Olha Yaremchuk – Assistant Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and Social Issues (2014-2018).
Assoc. Prof. Halyna Krytska – Assistant Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and Social Issues (1998-2009), Vice Dean of the Medical Faculty (2010-2016), Dean of the Medical Faculty (2016-2019).
Assoc. Prof. Andrii Chornomydz is the Head of the Department of Internal Quality Assurance of Higher Education of TNMU, an expert in accreditation of educational programs of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education of Ukraine.
Assoc. Prof. Kostyantyn Pashko – Head of the Academic Office (1994-2007), Director of the ARI of Pharmacology, Hygiene and Medical Biochemistry (2008-2012).
Assoc. Prof. Olha Sopel – Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.
Assoc. Prof. Alina Volska – Vice Dean of the Faculty of International Students.
Assoc. Prof. Valentyna Chernyashova – Deputy Head of the Independent Students Testing Department.
Assoc. Prof. Maria Kulitska – Deputy Head of the Independent Students Testing Department.
Assoc. Prof. Tetiana Yaroshenko – Secretary of the Specialized Scientific Council D58.601.04.
Assoc. Prof. Yana Ivankiv – Secretary of the Specialized Scientific Council D58.601.03
Assoc. Prof. Viktor Pyda – Head of the Commission for Quality Assurance of the student catering complex.
For a significant contribution to ensuring the implementation of State Policy in the field of education and science, the training of highly qualified specialists, conscientious work and high professionalism, the employees of the ARI PHMB have been awarded high awards.
According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 195/2021 “On awarding Ukraine with state awards on the occasion of Science Day”, for a significant personal contribution to the development of national science, strengthening the scientific and technical potential of Ukraine, many years of conscientious work and high professionalism, the Rector of Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Professor Mykhaylo Korda was awarded the Order of Merit, III degree.
Prof. M.M. Korda, Order of Merit
Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov also awarded Rector, Prof. Mykhaylo Korda, with the “Badge of Honor” breastplate.
Additionally, Prof. Mykhaylo Korda was awarded a letter from the Commander of the Medical Armed Forces of Ukraine for his contribution to the organization and provision of medical care to the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Honorary certificates of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine were awarded to Prof. Kateryna Posokhova (2017), Prof. Oleksandra Oleshchuk (2019), Prof. Oksana Shevchuk (2019).
Prof. K. Posohova
Prof. O. Oleshchuk
Prof. O. Shevchuk
Prof. Kateryna Posohova was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2015), Certificates of Ternopil Regional State Administration (2006, 2011), Ternopil City Council (2012).
Prof. Oleksandra Oleshchuk was awarded Certificates of Ternopil Regional State Administration (2013, 2017), Ternopil Regional Council (2018).
In 2015, Prof. Oksana Shevchuk received an award for the Day of Science in Ukraine.
Award for Science Day in Ukraine
In 2020, Prof. Oksana Shevchuk was recognized by the Ternopil City Council as the best scientist of the Ternopil City Territorial Community.
In 2021, Prof. Oksana Shevchuk became the winner of the regional selection for the “Order of St. Panteleymon” and “Medal of St. Panteleymon” in the nomination “For achievements in International Cooperation in Health Care”.
Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology Andrii Chornomydz received “the Gratitude of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” diploma in 2021.
Rector of TNMU, Prof. Mykhaylo Korda, presents “The Gratitude of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” diploma to Assoc. Prof. Andrii Chornomydz.
Professor Olena Lototska, as a member of the working group of the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, was awarded a diploma for the development of a new national regulatory standard on the quality of drinking water.
Prof. Olena Lototska
In 2019, out of 67 research projects of young scientists in 17 areas of medicine who participated in the competition organized by the pharmaceutical company “Sanofi in Ukraine”, the French Embassy in Ukraine separately recognized the scientific project of a graduate student of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology Halyna Loy (supervisor – Prof. Oleksandra Oleshchuk).
Presentation of the award to Halyna Loy by Isabella Dumont, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Ukraine
To summarize, the team of the ARI PHMB will continue the further modernization of the educational process on the basis of scientific and innovative activities, the use of high-tech methods of digitalization and computer technologies; will raise the level of scientific research to the highest global standards, their planning and implementation in accordance with the requirements of the present and the demands of the future; will contribute to the harmonious development of professional, moral and physical qualities of the future doctor.