The educational process at the ARI PHMB Departments is carried out in accordance with the approved standards of higher education, educational and professional programs, curricula for the relevant levels of higher education, in accordance with the approved educational programs of the disciplines.
The epidemic of coronavirus infection and the war forced to establish the educational process by distance and mixed forms of education. Employees of the department did a lot of work to improve the quality of conducting practical classes during the period of martial law. In addition to departmental educational materials (bases of educational and methodological complexes, banks of video lectures recorded by teachers, other video materials), international educational platforms (ELSEVIER HEALTH, AMBOSS, EBSCO, Lecturio) are used to ensure the educational process, to which teachers and students have free access on a regular basis.
To ensure a high level of education, the teachers of the ARI departments have created repositories of video lectures, which are located on the pages of the departments in the Moodle system, as well as on YouTube.
On the websites of the departments in the Moodle system, all educational and methodical materials from the taught disciplines are constantly updated, including lecture presentations, methodological guidelines and materials for preparing for practical classes. All departments of the ARI PHMB developed syllabi for all disciplines, which are posted on the departments’ WEB pages.
In order to properly prepare students of higher education to take the Unified State Qualification Exam, which includes Krok (“Step”) and a foreign language according to their professional direction, at each practical session teachers perform test multiple choice question tasks on a relevant topic, including tasks from the database of the Center for Independent Testing of Knowledge of Students of Higher Education.
The departments are carrying out individual plans for improving the qualifications of TNMU teachers (in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, resolution No. 800 dated August 21, 2019 “Some issues of improving the qualifications of teaching and research and teaching staff”). Popular are the advanced training courses of TNMU teachers: “Professional pedagogical competence of a teacher of a higher education institution” and “Modern technologies of distance learning: problems of their implementation in the educational process of higher medical educational institutions.” Many teachers, in accordance with the requirements of the accumulation point system, attended online seminars, trainings, webinars both in Ukraine and abroad.
According to the results of the student questionnaire regarding the quality of educational activities, many teachers of the ARI PHMB occupy high places, and are awarded with certificates of honor, and the teachers who entered the first “five” are awarded points for the annual rating of scientific and pedagogical workers.
At the Department of Medical Biochemistry, 23 disciplines are taught in different faculties in two languages.
During the period between 2005 and 2023, the teachers of the Department of Medical Biochemistry published 5 textbooks, including one in English:
Textbooks written by teachers of the Department of Medical Biochemistry
Overall, nine training manuals were published, four of them in English:
Training manuals of the Department of Medical Biochemistry
During 2005-2023, 22 educational and methodical articles were printed by the teachers of the Department of Medical Biochemistry.
20 video films were created (12 in Ukrainian and 8 in English), which describe the methods of conducting the laboratory procedures, and the sequence of the laboratory work, which coincide with the topics of the matriculation tasks.
18 video lectures were recorded in Ukrainian and English on various topics of the discipline.
Students while mastering educational material using the virtual program “Biochemical pathway of glycolysis” (2018)
Associate Professor Alla Mudra demonstrates to students the implementation of practical skills (2018)
Assoc. Prof. Maria Kulitska controls the colorimetric technique (2017)
Learning practical skills under the guidance of Assoc. Prof. Tetiana Yaroshenko (2020)
Assoc. Prof. Oksana Ostrivka with students of higher education of the Faculty of Medicine during practical work in biological chemistry (2022)
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. Svitlana Pidruchna conducts a seminar discussion with the students of the Faculty of Dentistry (2022)
At the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology, 22 disciplines (19 normative and 3 selective) are taught to the students of four faculties: medical, dental, pharmaceutical (full-time and part-time), and the nursing institute. Educational process is carried out according to the tape system (students of the medical, dental, pharmaceutical faculties and students of the 2nd and 3rd years of the ARI of Nursing) and according to the “one day” system (students studying clinical pharmacology, part-time pharmacists).
Discussion of current issues of educational and methodological work (2019)
Professor Oleksandra Oleshchuk delivers a lecture for students of the Faculty of Medicine (2019)
A practical class with the students of the medical faculty is conducted by Prof. Kateryna Posokhova (2018)
Senior teacher Andrii Chornomydz during a practical lesson in a computer class (2019)
Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology Oksana Shevchuk conducts a practical session with the students of the Faculty of Medicine (2017)
Textbooks published by the teachers of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology in 2005-2023:
Prof. Oleksandra Oleshchuk O.M. and Prof. Oksana Shevchuk participated in the publication of the Ukrainian-language version of the English-language textbook of the Elsevier publishing house “Rang and Dales Pharmacology”, 9th edition:
In 2005-2023, the teachers of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology published 17 training manuals:
Training manuals published by teachers of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology
The teachers of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology participated in the following national and international programs aimed at improving the quality of higher education:
Participants of the project “Internationalization of Ukrainian higher education institutions 2021: German-Ukrainian experience” (September 9-10, 2021)
(in the center – Prof. Oksana Shevchuk)
At the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, students of medical, dental, pharmaceutical faculties and ARI of nursing study appropriate disciplines. Teaching at the Department is conducted according to the tape system (2-hour classes) for students of the 1-3 years and according to the cycle (one-day) system – for the students of the 6th year and correspondence form of education.
The Department has created a video library, which consists of more than 100 educational and popular scientific video films for viewing during lectures, practical classes and in the process of independent work of the students when studying each topic of the corresponding discipline.
The practical lesson is conducted by Assoc. Prof. Oleksandra Kopach (2018)
The Department is constantly updated with equipment for the educational process. Between 2016 and 2018, the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology was equipped with new hygienic devices for conducting practical classes and performing research work: analyzer for determining the quality of milk “Granat”, anemometer TENMARS TM-740, barometer MOLLER 201107, scale with a digital display, vibrometer VM 5360, gas analyzer CO2-CO-RH-T, luxmeter with remote sensor TENMARS TM-202, air sampler “Typhoon”, device for measuring the power of ultraviolet radiation TENMARS TM-213, salt meter DIST1, thermohygrometer, intensity tester of electromagnetic radiation TM-202, noise meter EZODO-DS-102, nitrate meter H-401, nitrate tester Soeks, etc.
Devices for measuring the microclimate in the room: gas analyzer, anemometer, device for measuring the power of ultraviolet radiation, luxmeter, еlectromagnetic power measurement tester, vibration meter, noise meter
Nitrate tester, bactericidal irradiator OBB-15 OzoneFree, salt meter (conductor meter) DIST 1, thermohygrometer T-17, thermohygrometer (gas analyzer) СО2-СО-RH-T, electromagnetic radiation intensity tester Tenmars TM-195
Prof. Olena Lototska during a practical class (2019)
A practical class with international students at the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology is conducted by Associate Professor Olha Fedoriv (2022)
Virtual educational and monitoring computer programs have been created for those seeking higher education in order to qualitatively master practical skills.
Virtual computer educational programs created by teachers of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology (2013-2015)
Video lectures in two languages for normative and elective disciplines have been prepared by the lecturers and posted on the website of the Department and the YouTube channel
The video lecture for English-speaking students is given by the Associate Professor of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology Olha Fedoriv
The video lecture is given by Natalia Melnyk, Associate Professor of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology
The video lecture is given by Kostyantyn Pashko, Associate Professor of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology
To improve the quality of online practical classes during the coronavirus epidemic and the war, the department’s employees created 24 video films (12 in Ukrainian and the same number in English), which demonstrate the principles of operation of a particular device, as well as its practical application.
Video film on “The working principle of the Milkotester Master EC milk analyzer”
Video film on the topic: “Principle of operation of the device for measuring ultraviolet radiation”
Head of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology Prof. Mykola Kashuba prepared and delivered a series of educational on-line lectures on medical statistics for young scientists of the university
The teachers of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology have published 2 textbooks over the past 5 years, which are used in the educational process of the 3-4 levels of accreditation of the Medical Universities of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine:
In connection with the war in Ukraine in 2022, the state exam for the students of the 6th year of the medical faculty and the international students faculty was held in an online format. Almost all teachers of the Department were involved in the exam.
Professor Olena Lototska (lower right corner) during the online state exam for the students of the 6th year (2022)