The upbringing of a patriotic citizen is aimed at the formation of a high patriotic consciousness in the young generation, a sense of love for one’s land, family, state, respect for outstanding historical figures, readiness to fulfill civic and constitutional duties to protect the national interests, integrity, and independence of Ukraine. An important place in the work of university teachers belongs to the formation of these qualities in students of higher education.
Mentors of youth at the Department of Medical Biochemistry help to form a team of groups, conduct activities aimed at national-patriotic education, carry out individual and group organizational-educational and cultural-educational work, pedagogical control over the educational process.
As part of the “Scientific Picnics” event, the teachers of the Department of Medical Biochemistry regularly take part in actions where they introduce the children of our city to scientific inventions. In particular, on September 27, 2022, 35 teams, including representatives of Poland and many regions of Ukraine, took part in the “Scientific Picnics” on the Theatrical Square. Students of TNMU with their mentors Assoc. Prof. Tetiana Yaroshenko and Assoc. Prof. Nadiya Vasylyshyn presented various interesting experiments to the children.
Students from different academic groups during the “Scientific Picnics” event (2016)
Students of the 2nd year of the Faculty of Medicine together with the mentor of the group, Associate Professor of the Department of Medical Biochemistry Tetiana Yaroshenko, visited the NDEKC Center under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Ternopil region. In particular, they visited the laboratory of the explosives division of the Center, where they got acquainted with the rules of behavior when detecting a suspicious or explosive device, introduced themselves to the exhibits and models of the Center’s museum of explosive objects.
On a tour to the laboratory of the explosives division of the Center (in the center – Associate Professor Tetiana Yaroshenko) (2015)
Senior expert of the Center’s explosives unit, police major V. Yaroshenko, gave a talk on the topic “Rules for public safety in emergency situations, handling unknown objects and devices” (2015)
Every year on the last Saturday of November in Ukraine, the memory of millions of victims of the Holodomor is commemorated – the tragic events of 1921-1923, 1932-1933 and 1946-1947, which are forever etched in the consciousness of the Ukrainian people as the most terrible pages of the historical past. Students observed a moment of silence for those who died during the Holodomor and lit candles on Ternopil’s Theater Square.
On this day, the groups of the Medical Faculty of TNMU together with their mentors, Asst. Prof. Liliya Palytsa and Assoc. Prof. Nadiya Vasylyshyn, visited the parable performance “Help them Almighty” dedicated to honoring the memory of the victims of political repressions.
Assoc. Prof. Nadiya Vasylyshyn, Assist. Prof. Liliya Palytsya with students while visiting the performance “Help them Almighty” (2016)
Students of TNMU attended a performance of the famous composer, author of Ukrainian operettas, Yaroslav Barnych, “Hutsulka Ksenia” (2017)
At the presentation of O. Kuziv’s books “Adamtso” and “In the chapels of the soul” (2017)
Assoc. Prof. Tetiana Yaroshenko with the mentor group at the presentation of the book “Troshcha” by the writer Vasyl Shklyar (2018)
Assoc. Prof. Tetiana Yaroshenko and her mentor group attended a jazz concert performed by a chamber orchestra (2018)
Excursion to the Ivan Horbachevsky manor-museum by the teachers of the Medical Biochemistry Department with students (2019)
Every year, students together with their mentors, participate in the marathon “Give a child joy” on the occasion of Saint Nicholas Day in a boarding school for children with impaired hearing.
Students of the academic groups at the boarding school for children with impaired hearing (2020)
Volunteer work is actively carried out at the Department of Medical Biochemistry. Since the beginning of the war, teachers and students have been working in the volunteer centers and headquarters.
Professor Petro Lykhatskyi donates medical supplies for the needs of the volunteer center
In quarantine conditions, educational-cultural work with students was carried out online. Conversations of a national-patriotic, aesthetic and legal nature were held as well. In all academic groups, students together with mentors discussed the current academic performance and attendance of lectures and practical classes, methods of preparing students for practical classes using the departments’ web pages, raised issues of mutual respect and mutual understanding in the student environment and between teachers and students.
Prof. Olha Yaremchuk and her mentor group visited a play dedicated to 130th anniversary of Josyp Slipyi “Calvary” (2022)
Teachers of the Department of Medical Biochemistry and students of mentor groups traditionally honor the memory of the outstanding scientist, public figure and great patriot of Ukraine, our compatriot Ivan Horbachevsky. Horbachevsky biography is very instructive for the younger generation, teaches them patriotism and love for Ukraine. Ivan Horbachevsky is the pride of the Ukrainian nation. He is remembered and respected by Ukrainians all over the world.
In the manor museum of Ivan Horbachevsky in the village of Zarubyntsi
The Department of Medical Biochemistry takes an active part in the celebration of the World Vyshyvanka (embroidery) Day, an international holiday designed to preserve the age-old folk traditions of creating and wearing ethnic embroidered Ukrainian clothing.
Participating in a flash mob for Vyshyvanka (embroidery) Day (from left to right): Senior lab assistant Nadiya Nastroga, Assoc. Prof. Liliya Palytsya, Dr. Med. Sc. Svitlana Pidruchna, Assoc. Prof. Nataliya Letnyak, Senior Lecturer Halyna Shershun, Assoc. Prof. Oksana Ostrivka, Assoc. Prof. Iryna Kuzmak, Prof. Mykhaylo Korda, Assoc. Prof. Iryna Bandas, Assoc. Prof. Alla Mudra, Prof. Petro Lykhatskyi, Assoc. Prof. Mariya Kulytska, Prof. Olha Yaremchuk, Assoc. Prof. Tetiana Yaroshenko, Assoc. Prof. Nadiya Vasylyshyn.
Assoc. Prof. Liliya Palytsa with her mentor group
Assoc. Prof. Alla Mudra with her mentor group on the Vyshyvanka (embroidery) Day
At the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology, group mentors and their students take part in the “Light a candle” campaign every year, which takes place on the Day of Remembrance of the victims of the Holodomor. Traditionally, the memory of those who died during the genocide of the Ukrainian people is honored with a moment of silence and candles are lit on the Theatrical Square.
Students take part in the action “Saint Mykolay (Saint Nikolas) will not forget about you”. They prepare gifts (sweets, toys, books, pencils) for children from low-income families.
Every year, the mentors of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology organize excursions to various historical and cultural monuments, educational, historical, biological, geological museums, picturesque nature locations, spiritual and cultural places, etc., because self-knowledge begins with knowledge of the surrounding world, studying the history of the native land, familiarization with historical objects that carry a piece of history and illustrate the course of historical events. Visiting cultural and educational institutions by students will encourage them to study, preserve and use the assets of the national and world historical and cultural heritage with proper care.
On a tour: Verkhovyna, Ivano-Frankivsk region (2020)
On a tour to the cave of Mlynky, village Zalissya, Chortkiv district, Ternopil region (2020)
Professor of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology Oksana Shevchuk, together with her mentor group, on a tour to the interactive music museum “Camerton” in the village of Ishkiv (2020)
Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology Hrystyna Kurylo on a tour to the castles of the “Golden Horseshoe of Lviv Region” (2019)
On a tour: village Ruda, Kamyanko-Buzky district, Lviv region (2018)
Students of mentor groups at a meeting with veterans of TNMU dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the University’s founding (2016)
The literary and musical event is dedicated to the anniversary of Taras Shevchenko’s birthday (2017). On the bottom right, in the center – their mentor, Senior Lecturer Mariana Lukanyuk
Students of the 3rd year of the Faculty of Medicine together with their mentor, Senior Lecturer Mariana Lukanyuk, attended the performance “Became fools” (2017)
Assoc. Prof. O. Pinkevich with students of the 1st year of the Faculty of Dentistry at the opening of the insurgent hideout at Chervona Kalyna center (2021)
Raising the National Flag of Ukraine and playing the National Anthem of Ukraine – Assoc. Prof. Viktor Pyda with students of the Faculty of Medicine near the administrative building of TNMU (2021)
Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology Iryna Herasymets, together with the students of the Faculty of Medicine, visited the performance “House of the Mad” (2023)
Assoc. Prof. of the course of Clinical Pharmacology, Serhiy Malanchuk, together with students of the medical faculty of TNMU visited the Taras Shevchenko Ternopil Academic Regional Ukrainian Drama Theater (2023)
From the first weeks of the war, the administrative buidling of TNMU turned into a large headquarters and warehouse. The medical and pharmaceutical team headed by Prof. Oleksandra Oleshchuk, with the participation of teachers and students of TNMU, are carrying out work on the reception, sorting, registration of medicines that come from abroad through the channels of humanitarian aid, and sending them to the military hospitals and hospitals. Medicines are sorted and accounted for by Svitlana Kucher, Mariana Lukanyuk, Anastasia Dub, Lubomyr Kryskiv, Ihor Medvid, Tetyana Kucher, Mykhaylo Buchynskyi. Ludmyla Vronska, Mariya Borodai, Larysa Fedonyuk, Olha Denefil, Anna Demyd are responsible for other medical products.
Prof. Oleksandra Oleshchuk and Assoc. Prof. Iryna Moseychuk during the sorting of medicines at the volunteer center of TNMU
Students at the TNMU volunteer center (2022)
Teachers of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, in accordance with the developed plans for the national and patriotic education of the young generation, constantly hold discussions, round tables, conferences on various topics with students of mentor groups and actively participate in university-wide events.
Teachers of the Department Assoc. Prof. Nataliya Flekey and Assoc. Prof. Oleksandra Kopach with students of mentor groups of the faculty of International students at a seminar-discussion for the International AIDS Day (2017)
Students of the mentor group of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology at an educational event dedicated to a healthy lifestyle (2018)
Teachers of the Department Assoc. Prof. Olena Lototska, Assoc. Prof. Olha Sopel and Assoc. Prof. Nataliya Flekey and their mentored students at a conference devoted to the impact of bad habits on the human body (2017)
Students of the 3rd year of the Faculty of Medicine supervised by Assoc. Prof. Olha Sopel at a meeting with Theodore, Assistant Bishop of the Ternopil-Zboriv Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (2015)
Students, together with group mentors, are involved in volunteer and charity activities, visit art exhibitions, theaters, museums, in particular, the manor museum-house of Ivan Horbachevsky, Mykola Pirogov, etc.
Associate Professor Olena Lototska conducts a tour at the museum-manor of Ivan Horbachevsky in the village of Zarubyntsi, Zbaraz district (2015)
Assistant Professor of the Department, Orysya Smachylo, together with the her mentor group, during a tour to the manor-museum of Ivan Horbachevsky (2021)
Students of the medical faculty together with their mentor, Assoc. Prof. Olha Sopel, in the regional museum of local history at the exhibition of unique copies of ancient Ukrainian handwritten rarities (2015)
Students of the medical faculty on a tour to the museum-manor of Mykola Pirogov, Vinnytsia (2015)
Excursion of students with their mentor, Assistant Prof. Orysya Smachylo, in the Ternopil Regional Museum of Local Lore (2017)
Professor Olena Lototska together with students of the Faculty of Medicine at the exhibition of equipment and clothing of Ukrainin Insurgent Army (UIA) soldiers (2022)
On March 14, 2023, on the Day of the Ukrainian Volunteer, a meeting with pupils and students of the Vyacheslav Chornovil Galician College took place at the Ternopil Library No. 4. The teacher of the Department, Assistant Prof. Orysya Smachylo, took part in the event. Her son is a volunteer soldier at the war.
Assistant Prof. Orysya Smachylo, together with the soldiers of the Ternopil Volunteer Battalion, at the meeting with schoolchildren and students on the Day of the Ukrainian Volunteer (2023)
In order to educate the younger generation to have interest in folk customs and rites, respect for folk holidays and folk art, the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology regularly organizes ethnic exhibitions, master classes, etc.
Ethnographic exhibition, organized by the Assistant Prof. of the Department Orysya Smachylo (2021)
Part of the exposition of the ethnic exhibition (2021)
Assistant Professor Orysya Smachylo, together with the students of the medical faculty, at the ethnic exhibition during the charity sweet fair (2022)
In order to acquaint young people with folk traditions and rites, teachers of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology conduct Easter egg decoration master classes for students and employees of TNMU before Easter.
Easter Egg decoration master-class (2019)
During Easter Egg decoration master-class (2023)
Students of TNMU during a pottery master class
In order to maintain and spread folk traditions among students, department employees participate in all-Ukrainian and University events dedicated to these issues.
The team of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, together with the employees of the Ternopil Regional Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, participates in the University Vyshyvanka (embroidery) contest (2018)
In order to honor the memory of outstanding Ukrainian writers and poets, the teachers of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology organize exhibitions, hold discussions and round tables.
Exhibition for the Ivan Franko birthday
At the exhibition dedicated to the life and work of Lesya Ukrainka (the organizer is an Assistant Prof. of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, Orysya Smachylo) (2019)
On the occasion of the anniversary of Taras Shevchenko’s birthday, the teachers of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology organized an exhibition of the great Kobzar’s books and conducted public readings of his poems.
Teachers of the Department Prof. V. Kondratyuk and Assistant Prof. Orysya Smachylo at the exhibition dedicated to the great Kobzar (2017)
Literary evening dedicated to Lesya Ukrainka’s birthday with the participation of students from the medical faculty (2015)
For the purpose of aesthetic education of students, teachers of the Department and mentors of academic groups organize visits to theatrical performances at the Taras Shevchenko Ternopil Academic Regional Ukrainian Drama Theater
Assoc. Professor Olena Lototska with students before watching a performance at the Taras Shevchenko Ternopil Academic Regional Ukrainian Drama Theater (2017)
In 2019, a creative literary evening was held by a member of the Union of Writers, the Head of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, Prof. Mykola Kashuba on the topic “In the beginning there was a word…”, which was attended by the teachers and the students of the 6th year.
At the creative literary meeting of the Head of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, Prof. Mykola Kashuba
Creative literary meeting with Prof. Mykola Kashuba (2019).
From left to right: Prof. Mykola Kashuba, Head of the Department, and Chief of the Department of Culture and Arts of the Ternopil City Council, O. Smyk
On the Day of commemoration of the liquidators of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology is holding an informational event to acquaint University students with the consequences of the accident at the NPP, with the topic “Chernobyl. One of the most terrible disasters of the 20th century.” Assoc. Professor Kostyantyn Pashko presents the most important aspects of the impact of the accident on the environment and the health of the residents of Ukraine.
Associate Prof. Kostyantyn Pashko with a report dedicated to the Day of Commemoration of Liquidators of the Consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident (2022)
Every year, before World AIDS Day, the teachers of the Department hold discussions and round tables for students. However, in 2021, in connection with the pandemic, it was hold in the form of an online seminar-discussion with the mentor groups, to which an infectious disease doctor from the Ternopil Regional Medical Center of socially dangerous diseases was invited, Doctor S. Zayets.
Online seminar-discussion dedicated to World AIDS Day (2021)
Teachers of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology conduct educational events not only with students, but also with the general public. In particular, the teachers of the Department participate in the “Knowledge Day” of TNMU.
Senior Lecturer Nataliya Melnyk and Associate Professor Kostyantyn Pashko at the “Day of Knowledge” event (2019)
Assistant Professor of the Department, Orysya Smachylo, holds a creative evening dedicated to Lesya Ukrainka’s birthday at the Ternopil Regional Association of the All-Ukrainian Society “Enlightenment” (2019)
In the summer of 2022, Assoc. Professor of the Department Oleksandra Kopach participated in the educational event for children “Vacations with God”, which took place in the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in the village of Velykyy Hlybochok, where she demonstrated to children devices for measuring the level of nitrates in fruits and vegetables, the level of noise, vibration, indoor microclimate parameters and water hardness.
Assoc. Professor of the Department, Orysya Kopach, at the educational event for children “Vacations with God” (Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, V. Hlybochok village, 2022)