An important component of the professional activity of TNMU teachers is scientific research activity, which increases their professional level, leads to creative search and development of new theoretical concepts, effective medical and educational technologies. In addition, the implementation of the results of research activities of teachers in the practice of a higher educational institution allows to increase the quality of professional training of future specialists.
In 2005-2023, the Department of Medical Biochemistry carried out
4 initiative-based research projects:
The research of the department’s scientists was reflected in dissertations. In particular, during this period, under the supervision of Professor Ya. Honskyi, candidate dissertations were defended by: M. Kulitska, M. Kyryliv, O. Ostrivka, L. Holovko.
Prof. Mykhaylo Korda is a scientific consultant for 3 doctoral dissertations and supervisor of 11 candidate dissertations of the following scientists: V. Meretskyi, V. Shcherba, Yu. Hnativ. (doctoral dissertations), R. Khudan, L. Palytsya, N. Letnyak, I. Khudan, I. Bandas, Y. Panasyuk, O. Kulyanda, H. Kolodnytska, V. Shcherba, V. Nechyporuk, T. Yaroshenko (candidate dissertations).
Abstracts of dissertations of teachers of the Department of Medical Biochemistry
Today, the following postgraduate students are studying at the Department of Medical Biochemistry: A. Pak, O. Pokotylo, Ya. Petrenko (Hopenko), Yu. Yatsuh, I. Derevoryz, Yu. Kravchuk, Ye. Lyaskovsky (scientific supervisor – Prof. M. Korda), N. Mehno (scientific supervisor: Prof. Olha Yaremchuk).
Prof. Mykhaylo Korda is the scientific director and executor of the following grant research:
The results of the successful teaching activity and scientific research of the teachers of the Department of Medical Biochemistry were reflected in 11 monographs published by them:
Monographs of the researchers of the Department of Medical Biochemistry
Over the past 10 years, the results of original innovative scientific research by the teachers of the Department of Medical Biochemistry have been protected by 46 patents.
Information letters issued by the researchers and teachers of the Department of Medical Biochemistry:
Between 2005 and 2023, scientists of the Department published 348 articles in specialized journals, and 63 articles in journals included in the scientometric databases of Scopus and Web of Science. 348 abstracts were published in the materials of symposia, congresses, and conferences.
With the participation of the Department of Medical Biochemistry, the journal “Medical and Clinical Chemistry” is published, which is approved by the SAC (State Accreditatin Commission) of Ukraine and indexed in 5 scientometric databases: Google Scholar, CrossRef, Ulrich Periodicals Directory, Index Copernicus, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine).
In 2017, Associate Professors of the Department of Medical Biochemistry, Petro Lykhatskyi and Tetiana Yaroshenko, took part in the International Scientific Conference “VIII LVIV-LUBLIN CONFERENCE OF EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY”, which was held in Lublin (Poland).
From left to right: Prof. Halyna Ushakova (Dnipro), prof. Lyudmyla Fira (Ternopil), prof. Alla Shevtsova (Dnipro), Assoc. Prof. Tetiana Yaroshenko (Ternopil)
From left to right: Assoc. Prof. Petro Lykhatskyi, Prof. Lyudmyla Fira, Prof. Janusz Solski, Prof. Zinovy Vorobets
In 2018, an International Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual issues of modern microelementology” was held in Kyiv, dedicated to the memory of academician Yu.I. Kundiyev, at which Assoc. Prof. T. Yaroshenko delivered a report.
Assoc. Prof. T. Yaroshenko (seventh from the left in the middle row) at the conference “Actual issues of modern microelementology”, dedicated to the memory of academician Yu.I. Kundiyev
Researchers of the Department of Medical Biochemistry regularly give presentations at the annual scientific conference of TNMU “Achievements in Clinical and Experimental Medicine”.
Assistant Professor I. Bandas at the conference “Achievements in Clinical and Experimental Medicine”, Ternopil (2017)
Assistant Professor Liliya Palytsa conducts research in the educational and scientific laboratory of TNMU
In 2019, the Department of Biochemistry on the basis of TNMU organized the All-Ukrainian Biochemical Congress with international participation, which was attended by about 300 delegates from Ukraine and abroad.
Delegates of the All-Ukrainian Biochemical Congress
The Department of Medical Biochemistry considers it as a great importance and pays serious attention to the work of the student research society, understanding that systematic work under the guidance of experienced scientists helps students of higher education deepen and consolidate theoretical knowledge, prepares young people for future independent research activities. The skills and abilities acquired in the process of working at Student Scientific Society (SSS) are invaluable for the future specialist and are one of the key components of his/her professional success.
In the period of 2005-2023, about 100 students of the 2nd and 3rd years worked in the student scientific section of the Department, the results of their activities are reflected in scientific publications, reports at all-Ukrainian and International Medical Congresses of Students and Young Scientists.
In 2015, the student of the Faculty of Medicine B. Pereviznyk was included in the hundred best students of Ukraine and received a scholarship from the V. Pinchuk Foundation. Her work on the topic “Study of the metabolizing function of the liver under the conditions of polytrauma” under the supervision of the Head of the Department, Dr. Med. Sci. Svitlana Pidruchna, was highly appreciated by the jury members.
Bohdana Pereviznyk at the presentation of a scholarship from the “V. Pinchuk Foundation”
Conducting research by students of the student scientific section of the Department of Medical Biochemistry under the leadership of Assoc. Prof. Olha Yaremchuk (2015)
Every year, students report the results of their scientific research at the International Congress of Students and Young Scientists (Ternopil), where they receive first- and second-degree diplomas for the best reports. These are, in particular, the following individuals: M. Frolov, N. Dolyk, O. Kulyanda, D. Myronyuk, T. Baksa, Z. Vivchar, T. Bonchyk, V. Kosovska and U. Saturska, K. Danylko, A. Bryck.
Participants of the program “Student – a future specialist of a high level of qualification” with academic supervisors (Assistant Professor Olha Yaremchuk, Associate Professor Mariya Kulitska, 2014)
For oral presentations at the 22nd International Medical Congress of Students and Young Scientists in 2018, two students were awarded 1st degree diplomas in the “Experimental Medicine” section – Ruslan Tarnopilskyi and Olha Kravtsiv (research supervisor – Doctor of Medical Sciences, S. Pidruchna), and also in the “Pharmacology and Pharmacy” section, Maksym Lukyanenko received a 2nd degree diploma (scientific supervisor – Assoc. Prof. M. Kulitska).
Student Maksym Lukyanenko during the presentation of his diploma (2018)
For oral presentations at the 23rd International Medical Congress of Students and Young Scientists, three students were awarded diplomas of the 1st degree (Ostap Saturskyi, scientific supervisor – Dr. Med. Sc., S. Pidruchna, Maksym Lukyanenko, scientific supervisor – Assoc. Professor M. Kulitska), Mykhaylo Toporovych received a 2nd degree diploma (supervisor – Assistant Prof. I. Bandas).
For oral presentations at the 27th International Medical Congress of Students and Young Scientists (2023), four students were awarded diplomas of the 1st degree (V. Fira, S. Chornii, U. Kotyuk, S. Tovtyn, scientific supervisors – Prof. P. Lykhatskyi, Dr. Med. Sci., S. Pidruchna, and Associate Professor T. Yaroshenko) and diplomas of the 2nd degree (B. Dovgalyuk, A. Sakovets, L. Palytsia, scientific supervisor – Prof. M. Korda).
Presentation of diplomas to students Uliana Kotyuk and Svitlana Tovtyn (2023)
Conducting research by students of the department’s student scientific section under the leadership of Assoc. Prof. T. Yaroshenko (2020)
Carrying out research and familiarization with modern equipment by the students of the department’s student scientific branch in the educational and scientific laboratory of TNMU under the leadership of Dr. Med. Sciences, S. Pidruchna (2021)
Conducting research and familiarization with modern laboratory devices at the educational and scientific laboratory of TNMU by students of the department’s student scientific section under the leadership of Assoc. Prof. M. Kulitska (2022)
Scientific work at the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology was carried out in the following areas: planning and execution of dissertation research projects; conducting departmental and interdepartmental research projects; organization and participation in scientific and practical conferences; organization and management of student research projects; participation in the research of the interdepartmental educational and research laboratory, conducting research under international grants.
The results of the research of the Department’s team in 2005-2023 were reflected in 6 monographs, 5 scientific methodological recommendations and information letters, 42 patents, 326 articles in specialized scientific journals, including 56 in journals included in the Scopus scientometric database and 10 – in the Web of Science database, in 210 abstracts in materials of symposia, congresses, conferences.
During 2005-2023, the Department prepared four Doctors of Science: O. Oliynyk (scientific consultant Prof. M. Skakun), O. Oleshchuk, O. Shevchuk, O. Yaremchuk (scientific consultant Prof. K. Posokhova), fifteen Candidates of Sciences: V. Nikolayeva, I. Berezhna, O. Hrytsiv, L. Ploskanych, T. Lebedeva, O. Shevchuk, O. Yaremchuk, V. Chernyashova, A. Volska, N. Zozulyak, S. Sampara, I. Stechyshyn (scientific supervisor Prof. K. Posokhova); Ya. Ivankiv, H. Loy, H. Feshchenko, V. Datsko (scientific supervisor, Prof. O. Oleshchuk).
Initiative-based research projects of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology in 2005-2023:
The scientific laboratory of the Department of Pharmacology became the first laboratory in our University that was accredited by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to conduct preclinical research of medicinal products (the Head of the laboratory – Prof. K. Posokhova).
From left to right: O. Havryshchak, K. Posohova, V. Chernyashova, O. Shevchuk, O. Yaremchuk while conducting research at the Laboratory of Preclinical Research of Medicinal Products (2011)
In 2007-2010, on the basis of the Laboratory of Preclinical Research of Medicinal Products, five contract research projects were carried out:
– Study of the pharmacological activity and safety of the fiber of rye bran and chokeberry fiber.
– Study of subchronic toxicity, safety and effectiveness of enterosorbent Enterosgel – a paste for oral use in certain pathological conditions.
– Conducting preclinical toxicological studies of the effectiveness of the use of the drug “Enterosgel” in the form of a paste for oral use.
– Studying the possibilities of correcting the hepatotoxic effect of antiretroviral drugs using enterosorbent enterosgel – a paste for oral use.
– Study of the influence of methylsilicic acid xerogel, enterosgel (paste), microcrystalline cellulose, carboline upon their repeated administration on the composition of intestinal contents and intestinal microbiocenosis
In 2011-2018, the teachers of the Department took an active part in the implementation of the following enterprise-contract research in cooperation with other scientific institutions:
– Preclinical study of the acute toxicity in experiments on laboratory rats of two samples of the drug “Gliarmax” for parenteral use.
Employees of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology take an active part in international scientific programs, undergo internships at international research centers.
As part of the cooperation agreement between TNMU and Mansoura University (Egypt), Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology, Oksana Shevchuk, was on an internship at Mansoura University on February 14-20, 2020.
Oksana Shevchuk (first from the left) with the employees of the Stem Cell Biology Laboratory at the Bone Marrow Transplantation Center and the Stem Cells Bank
Prof. Oksana Shevchuk and Assoc. Prof. Ya. Ivankiv became participants of the grant projects from RECOOP HTS Association on the study of chronic stress and endothelial dysfunction caused by COVID-19:
Assoc. Prof. Ya. Ivankiv conducts research on patients who have contracted COVID-19
Senior Lecturer of the Department Halyna Loy collaborated with the team of the Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research at the University of Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France) on the search for drugs with potential cardioprotective properties. Halyna Loy is a co-author of the research paper “Physiopathology and mechanisms of cardiometabolic remodeling” (Inserm/University of Toulouse UMR1048).
Halyna Loy at the laboratory with microscope
Post-graduate student of the Department Svitlana Paliy (scientific supervisor – Prof. Oksana Shevchuk) completed an internship under the “Erasmus+ ICM (KA107)” program at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Svitlana Paliy at the laboratory of the University of Santiago de Compostela
Svitlana Paliy carried out research within the framework of the National Research Council “Molecular mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction under the influence of ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers”, worked in the field of three-dimensional (3D) cell cultures and “organ on a chip” technologies.
In 2022, S. Paliy received the prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Association of Employees of Medical Universities of Ukraine “For significant achievements in scientific activity”.
In 2021, at the III National Forum on the Assessment of Medical Technologies (the organizer of the event is the Ministry of Health of Ukraine with the support of the USAID Ukraine and SAFEMed project), the speaker of the panel “Next steps in the creation of a positive list of medicinal products for financing with state funds: perspectives of interested parties” and co-moderator of the panel “Building the potential of OMT” was Prof. Oleksandra Oleshchuk
Prof. Oleksandra Oleshchuk (second right) at the 3rd National Forum on the Evaluation of Medical Technologies
In 2014-2016, Prof. Oleksandra Oleshchuk managed the Erasmus Mundus Medea program from the Ternopil Medical University, which provided academic exchange of teachers and students with leading medical universities in Europe.
Additionally, Prof. O. Oleshchuk participated in the conference of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomic Research (ISPOR) in Baltimore, USA (2018) and Warsaw, Poland (2018) and at the international scientific conference on the 165th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Horbachevsky (Prague, Czech Republic, 2019).
Prof. Oleksandra Oleshchuk – a participant of the conference of the International Society of Pharmacoeconomic Research ISPOR (Warsaw, Poland, 2018)
Prof. Oleksandra Oleshchuk is giving a speech at the International Scientific Conference on the 165th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Horbachevsky (Prague, Czech Republic, 2019)
Prof. Oksana Shevchuk took part in the project jointly organized by the University of Münster and the Leibniz University of Hanover (Germany) within the framework of the THEA Ukraine Project (FHH Münster) in cooperation with MoI (Management of internationalization) Ukraine Projects (LUH).
In May 2022, the first meeting took place between representatives of the Medical School of the University of Manchester (Great Britain) and the Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University (Ukraine) to determine urgent research needs and requests. TNMU was presented by Oksana Shevchuk, Professor of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology, Taras Pyatkivskyi, Assistant Professor of the Department of Microbiology, and Bohdana Pereviznyk, Assistant Professor of the Department of Disaster Medicine and Military Medicine.
In 2021, the Days of Ukraine were held in Berlin and Brandenburg (Germany), where Prof. Oksana Shevchuk presented scientific achievements of TNMU and high indicators of the quality of TNMU education.
Days of Ukraine in Berlin and Brandenburg – Prof. Oksana Shevchuk (second from the left)
Prof. Oleksandra Oleshchuk and Prof. Oksana Shevchuk and other teachers of TNMU took part in the organization of the forum “Safe, affordable and effective medicines for Ukrainians” on the basis of TNMU, with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and SAFEMed and with the assistance of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
Additionally, Prof. Oleksandra Oleshchuk and Prof. Oksana Shevchuk took part in the online training “The basics of working at the pharmacy”.
Online training “The basics of working at the pharmacy”
Professor of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology of TNMU Oksana Shevchuk took part in the training seminar “Research Vetting, Individual Cybersecurity, and Knowledge Security Training for Ukrainian Researchers”.
In 2008-2011, the team of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology organized and held the following scientific conferences:
In 2016 and 2022, team of the Department of Pharmacology were co-organizers and participants of the IV and VI scientific and practical conferences “Chemistry of natural compounds”.
Organizers of the 6th All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference with international participation “Chemistry of natural compounds”
At the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology, a Student Scientific Society (SSS) branch actively conducts research projects, the moderator of this branch is Assoc. Professor Viktor Pyda.
The main activity of the SSS branch of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology is teaching young people the methodology of scientific research and helping young scientists in their pursue.
The results of the research of the students of the branch are reported annually at all-Ukrainian and International Congresses of Students and Young Scientists, the best student scientific presentationbs have been repeatedly recognized with diplomas of various degrees.
Members of the SSS branch of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology have repeatedly become prize-winners and overall-winners at the All-Ukrainian Olympiads in Pharmacology, which confirms the importance of comprehensive development of young people, their active involvement in research work. In particular, in 2006, Bohdana Yevtushok was awarded a diploma for the first place in the second round of the All-Ukrainian Pharmacology Olympiad. In 2007, Tetyana Potupalova took 2nd place in the second round of the Olympiad.
University students, members of the department’s branch of SSS, took an active part in the student scientific programs “Student – future specialist of a high level of qualification”, “Student science and career guidance training”: I. Kozak, O. Yaremchuk, M. Krykunova, S. Dzyuba, B. Pereviznyk, among others.
Awards for the best student research presentations
The following SSS members of the department’s branch actively conducted scientific research: P. Tabas, I. Stetsyuk, B. Maletskyi, V. Pitukhova, Ya. Bondarchuk, D. Koval, A. Ukrainets, M. Lukyanenko, S. Surmai, A. Trokhymchuk, K. Semenyuk, N. Zhulinskyi, M. Semkiv, B. Bodaruk, V. Petrenko, Yu. Samaniv, L. Rasevych, I. Wegera, H. Suchynska, A. Kindrat, M. Pozun, Anna-Mariya Koval, M. Shved, Deborah Chibusonma Aningo, K. Ostroverha, O. Lanovets, L. Lekhnovsky, O. Vyrlan and many others.
In 2018, the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Annual Young Medical Scientists’ Conference 2018” was held at the O. Bohomolets National Medical University, which was attended by 450 participants from Ukraine, international students of Ukrainian medical universities, students from the Caucasus, Middle East, India, Nigeria, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Young scientists and students presented more than 100 scientific works. Ihor Stetsyuk, a TNMU student of the SSS department’s branch, won the 3rd place for the best research presentation.
Participants of the international scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists “Annual Young Medical Scientists’ Conference 2018”
In the “Fundamental medicine” section, Maryana Pozun won 3rd place with the research presentation titled “The role of cytokines in the dynamics of stress reaction in rats with hypothyroidism”, which she performed under the supervision of Assoc. Professor Alina Volska and Assistant Professor Hrystyna Kurylo of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology.
Maryana Pozun while receiving her diploma
Veterans of the Department are often invited to the meetings of the SSS branch to share their scientific experience and achievements with students.
A meeting of SSS department’s branch students with a veteran of the department, Prof. A.Oliynyk
Student Bohdana Pereviznyk and PhD candidate Yana Ivankiv conducting experiments at the Department of Pharmacology (2015)
Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology Viktor Pyda with students are conducting intragastric administration of investigated drugs to animals at the TNMU vivarium
3rd-year SSS students of the Faculty of Medicine I. Darmorys and A. Havinska while conducting research experiments
There are five doctoral and twelve candidate dissertations in the research accomplishments of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology.
Additionally, nine author’s certificates were received, and ca. 20 decisions on rationalization proposals. More than 550 articles and abstracts have been published in professional journals, including those in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, various scientific conferences, forums, congresses, etc.
Abstracts of dissertations of teachers of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology
Research achievements of the teachers of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology (2015-2018)
In recent years, teachers of the department have been carrying out research within the framework of the following interdepartmental initiative-based research projects:
Teachers of the Department constantly report on the results of their research at various scientific forums and conferences.
Assoc. Prof. Olena Lototska and Assoc. Prof. Olha Sopel with poster presentations at the conference “Achievements in Clinical and Experimental Medicine”, Ternopil (2017)
The report of Prof. V. Kondratyuk at the “Environment and Health” conference (2018)
In 2022, a scientific and practical conference “Actual issues of public health and environmental safety of Ukraine” was held in Kyiv, where Professor of the department Olena Lototska took part.
Research at the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology is aimed at studying environmental factors, their potential negative impact on living organisms, the role of public organizations and authorities in preventing and eliminating the negative consequences of their action, and developing preventive measures.
Every year, since 2006, the Department is a co-organizer of the scientific and practical conference “Environment and Health”.
Books of abstracts of the “Environment and Health” conference
The opening of the 15th anniversary All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Environment and Health” by the Head of the Department of Physiology with Basics of Bioethics and Biosafety of TNMU, Head of the Ternopil regional branch of the All-Ukrainian Environmental League, prof. Stepan Vadzyuk (2018)
Scientific and practical conference with international participation “Environment and Health”, dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Chernobyl NPP disaster (April 22-24, 2021)
Teachers of the department during the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical online conference “Environment and Health” (2022)
The Department of General Hygiene and Ecology together with the Ukrainian Association of Religious Studies, the Department of Religious Studies of the H. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Arsen Richynsky Kremenets Medical College organized and held the 10th anniversary Richynsky readings, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the memory of Arsen Richynskyi (April 13, 2021).
X Anniversary Richynskyi readings, dedicated to the 65th anniversary in memory of Arsen Richynskyi
At the Department, approximately 10 to 12 students annually of different study years actively conduct research experiments as a part of department’s branch of Student Scientific Society (SSS).
Students of the 3rd year of the medical faculty – SSS members of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology conduct a laboratory study of water (2007)
Prof. Olena Lototska with SSS students are conducting an experiment to determine the quality of drinking water (2018)
Every year, the results of students’ scientific research are published in the book of abstracts of the International Medical Congress of Students and Young Scientists. Many students from SSS department’s branch deliver presentations at the Congress in the section “Preventive medicine, social medicine and health care, medical informatics, medical law”, where they receive prizes.
Prof. Olena Lototska and Assoc. Professor Olha Sopel as part of the jury at the online opening of the section “Preventive medicine, social medicine and healthcare management, medical informatics and medical law” of the 24th International Medical Congress of Students and Young Scientists (2020)
Olha Kravtsiv, a student of the Faculty of Medicine, received a diploma of the first degree at the XXIII International Congress of Students and Young Scientists for her research presentation (2019)
Oksana Smokovska and Valentyna Bakalyar were awarded 3rd degree diplomas at the XXIII International Congress of Students and Young Scientists for their research project presentation in the “Preventive Medicine” section (2019)
Oral presentation of Olha Kravtsiv, a 5th year student, titled “Attitude towards a healthy lifestyle of student youth” (research supervisor – prof. Olena Lototska (2021)
Pravak Yuliya was awarded a 2nd degree diploma for participation in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research projects (section “Theoretical Medicine”) (2022)
Additionally, the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, for the past three years, serves as a basis for the Master’s degree students in “Public Health” to conduct their research experiments for the qualification thesis.
Prof. Olena Lototska – Head of the examination commission for the attestation of Master’s degree students in specialty 229 “Public Health” during their defense of Master’s theses (2021)
In 2023, the Annual Conferences of the RECOOP HST Association – 5th RECOOP International Student Conference and 18th RECOOP Bridges in Life Sciences Conference, as well as the 8th RECOOP Sciences and Arts Exhibition, were held in Budapest (Hungary), in which department’s PhD students Maryana Danchyshyn and Yuliya Bandrivska took part (supervisor – Prof. Olena Lototska).
Maryana Danchyshyn and Yulia Bandrivska during the RECOOP HST Association conference − 5th RECOOP International Student Conference and 18th RECOOP Bridges in Life Sciences Conference, as well as the 8th RECOOP Sciences and Arts Exhibition (Budapest, Hungary, 2023)
Teachers of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology are also involved in other types of work. Department Professor Olena Lototska was a member of the working group of the Ministry of Community Development and Territories of Ukraine on the development of a new national regulatory document on the quality of drinking water for the purpose of implementing Directive 98/83/EU, for which she was awarded a diploma (2021).
Prof. Olena Lototska with her accomplishment