
SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) is a global ranking of academic institutions published by the SCImago research group, which includes a number of Spanish universities and research institutions. It also prepares the annual SIR World Report. The ranking is divided into five sectors: government, health care, higher
education, private and others. The ranking position of a university or research institution is determined only by publications in the literature indexed in the
Scopus scientific database.

According to the SIR for 2024, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University is:

  • 4th among 49 Ukrainian higher education institutions;
  • 1st  among medical health care institutions of Ukraine;
  • 1st  among Ternopil higher education institutions.

According to the SIR for 2023, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University was:

  • 1st among 44 Ukrainian higher education institutions;
  • 1st  among medical health care institutions of Ukraine;
  • 1st  among Ternopil higher education institutions.

According to the SIR for 2022, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University was:

  • 24th among 39 Ukrainian higher education institutions;
  • 3d among medical health care institutions of Ukraine;
  • 2nd among Ternopil higher education institutions.